Is it der, die or das Pub?
The correct article in German of Pub is das or der. So it is das or der Pub! (nominative case)
The word Pub is neuter or masculine, therefore the correct article is das or der.
German declension of Pub?
How does the declension of Pub work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular 1 | Singular 2 | Plural |
Nominative | das Pub | der Pub | die Pubs |
Genitive | des Pubs | des Pubs | der Pubs |
Dative | dem Pub | dem Pub | den Pubs |
Akkusative | das Pub | den Pub | die Pubs |
What is the meaning of Pub in German?
Pub is defined as:
[1] Local in British or Irish style
[1] Lokal im britischen oder irischen StilHow to use Pub in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Pub with translations in English.
[1] Sie verbrachten viele Abende im Pub auf der anderen Straßenseite.
[1] They spent many evenings in the pub on the other street side[1] „Im Pub gab es keine Uhr.“
[1] "There was no clock in the pub"[1] „Jasmina hieß sie. Eine junge Sámin, Studentin, und arbeitete hier im Pub des Hotels in den Sommermonaten.“
[1] "Jasmina was called a young Sámin, student, and worked here in the hotel pub in the summer months."[1] „Er stand da und überlegte. Der Pub, dachte er. Du liebe Güte, der Pub. Vage erinnerte er sich, wahnsinnig wütend gewesen zu sein, wütend über irgendwas, das wohl wichtig war.“
[1] “He stood there and the pub, he thought. You love goodness, the pub. He remembered vaguely that he was incredibly angry, angry about something that was probably important. ”[1] „Wir gingen zurück nach Wapping und aßen in einem Pub am Flussufer namens Prospect of Whitby zu Mittag.
[1] “We went back to Wapping and ate in a pub on the river banks named Prospect of Whitby to Mittagä