Is it der, die or das Prometheus?
German declension of Prometheus?
How does the declension of Prometheus work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural | ||||
Nominative | (der) Prometheus | — | ||||
Genitive | des Prometheus (des) Prometheus’ | — | ||||
Dative | (dem) Prometheus | — | ||||
Akkusative | (den) Prometheus | — | ||||
vergleiche Grammatik der deutschen Namen |
What is the meaning of Prometheus in German?
Prometheus is defined as:
[1] Ancient Greek mythology: one of the titans, culturalists of mankind
[1] antike griechische Mythologie: einer der Titanen, Kulturstifter der MenschheitHow to use Prometheus in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Prometheus with translations in English.
[1] „Entstanden ist dabei nichts Geringeres als die Bewahrung des Feuers aus dem Geist des Prometheus.“
[1] "Nothing is less than the preservation of the fire from the spirit of the Prometheus" "[1] „Die Sirenen erschienen Morgner wagemutiger als Odysseus, eine weibliche Trobadora sinnlicher als ihre männlichen Kollegen und Pandora menschlicher als der von ihr angebetete Prometheus.“
[1] "The sirens appeared more carefully than Odysseus, a female trobadora more sensual than her male colleagues and Pandora more human than the Prometheus region" she ""