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Is it der, die or das Programmierer?



The correct article in German of Programmierer is der. So it is der Programmierer! (nominative case)

The word Programmierer is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Programmierer?

How does the declension of Programmierer work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Programmierer die Programmierer
Genitive des Programmierers der Programmierer
Dative dem Programmierer den Programmierern
Akkusative den Programmierer die Programmierer

What is the meaning of Programmierer in German?

Programmierer is defined as:

[1] Computer science: Author of a computer program

[1] Informatik: Verfasser eines Computerprogramms

How to use Programmierer in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Programmierer with translations in English.

[1] Ein Programmierer schreibt ein Programm.

[1] A programmer writes a program

[1] Die Unterscheidung von Programmierer zum Softwareentwickler ist fließend, teilweise werden die Begriffe auch synonym verwendet.

[1] The distinction from programmer to the software developer is fluid, sometimes the terms are also used synonymously

[1] „Laut Apple-CEO Tim Cook muss man nicht studiert haben, um ein guter Programmierer zu sein.“

[1] "According to Apple CEO Tim Cook, you don't have to have studied to be a good programmer to be on"

[1] „Das Mitarbeiterprofil ist, ebenso wie am FU-Zentrum, breit gefächert: darunter sind Programmierer und Webdesigner ebenso wie Fachleute aus dem pädagogisch-didaktischen Bereich und schließlich jene, die neudeutsch Content Manager heißen, also für Texte und Inhalte zuständig sind.“

[1] “The employee profile, as well as at the FU-Center, is wide: among them are programmers and web designers as well as specialists from the pedagogical-didactic area and finally those that are new German content managers, i.e. are responsible for texts and content "