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Is it der, die or das Primat?



The correct article in German of Primat is der. So it is der Primat! (nominative case)

The word Primat is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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Context 1

German declension of Primat?

How does the declension of Primat work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Primat die Primaten
Genitive des Primaten der Primaten
Dative dem Primaten den Primaten
Akkusative den Primaten die Primaten

What is the meaning of Primat in German?

Primat is defined as:

[1] Zoology: Order of the mammals, which also includes humans

[1] Zoologie: Ordnung der Säugetiere, zu der auch der Mensch gehört

How to use Primat in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Primat with translations in English.

[1] Die Koboldmakis gehören zu den Primaten.

[1] The Koboldmakis belong to the primate

[1] Von der Gattung Homi, die den Primaten zugeteilt wird, überlebte nur der moderne Mensch.

[1] Of the genus Homi, which is assigned to the primate, only the modern human person survived

[1] „Die neuere Systematik teilt die Primaten in vier Unterordnungen: Lemuroidea oder Lemuren, Galagoidea oder Buschbabys und Loris, Tarsioidea oder Gespenstmakis und Simiae oder Affen.“

[1] "The newer system divides the primates in four sub -regulations: lemuroidal or lemurs, Galagoidea or Buschbabys and Loris, Tarsioidea or ghost makis and Simiae or monkey" "

[1] „Die Menschen waren auf einmal keine Sonderanfertigung Gottes mehr, der sie nach seinem Bilde geformt hatte, sondern Tier unter Tieren, Primaten unter Primaten.“

[1] "People were suddenly no longer a special invocation of God, who had shaped them according to his image, but animal among animals, primates under primate"

Is it der, die or das Primat?




The correct article in German of Primat is der or das. So it is der or das Primat! (nominative case)

The word Primat is masculine or neuter, therefore the correct article is der or das.

Context 2

German declension of Primat?

How does the declension of Primat work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular 1 Singular 2 Plural
Nominative der Primat das Primat die Primate
Genitive des Primats des Primates des Primats des Primates der Primate
Dative dem Primat dem Primate dem Primat dem Primate den Primaten
Akkusative den Primat das Primat die Primate

What is the meaning of Primat in German?

Primat has various definitions in German:

[1] Highest violence in the church

[1] höchste Gewalt in der Kirche

[2] Priority, preferred position

[2] Vorrang, bevorzugte Stellung

How to use Primat in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Primat with translations in English.

[1] das Primat des Papstes

[1] The Pope's primacy

[2] Nach Erich Gutenberg herrscht in der funktionalen Organisation das „Primat der Planung“ den anderen Funktionen (Organisation, Personal, Führung, Kontrolle) vor.

[2] According to Erich Gutenberg, the "primacy of planning" is in the functional organization of the other functions (organization, personnel, leadership, control)

[2] „Aus dem Primat der Politik ist der Vorrang einer staatenübergreifenden Finanzaristokratie geworden.“

[2] "The primacy of politics has become the priority of a cross -state financial aristocracy"

[2] „Zwar hatte in seiner Ästhetik immer die Phantasie das Primat.“

[2] "In his aesthetics, the imagination always had the primary"

[2] „Der Primat wurde synchronen Fragestellungen eingeräumt.“

[2] "The primacy was dubbed out of synchronous questions"

[2] „Diese schlichte Bemerkung über das Primat der Intuition hat noch weitere interessante Auswirkungen.“

[2] "This simple remark about the primacy of intuition has other interesting effects"

Pictures or photos of Primat

[1] Primaten
[1] Primaten