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Is it der, die or das Postbote?



The correct article in German of Postbote is der. So it is der Postbote! (nominative case)

The word Postbote is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Postbote?

How does the declension of Postbote work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Postbote die Postboten
Genitive des Postboten der Postboten
Dative dem Postboten den Postboten
Akkusative den Postboten die Postboten

What is the meaning of Postbote in German?

Postbote is defined as:

[1] Professional title: someone who delivered mail

[1] Berufsbezeichnung: jemand, der Post zustellt

How to use Postbote in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Postbote with translations in English.

[1] Immer wenn der Postbote kommt, bellt der Hund.

[1] Whenever the postman comes, the dog barks

[1] „Der Postbote nickte, er selbst schien nichts dagegen zu haben, und er ließ auch weiter offen, welche Meinung er persönlich vertrat.“

[1] "The postman nodded that he himself did not seem to have anything against it, and he continued to open the opinion he personally represented"

[1] „In dem Bündel, das der Postbote am Dienstag in der Hand hielt, war Leskovs Brief.“

[1] "In the bundle that the postman held in hand on Tuesday, Leskov's letter was"

[1] „Verpassen kann ich den Postboten nicht, er muß zu uns kommen.“

[1] "I can't miss the postman, he has to come to us"

[1] „Dann erwischte ich Andrew eines Morgens dabei, wie er ein großes, flaches Paket für den Postboten verschnürte.“

[1] "Then one in the morning I caught a large, flat package for the postman lacing"