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Is it der, die or das Populist?



The correct article in German of Populist is der. So it is der Populist! (nominative case)

The word Populist is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Populist?

How does the declension of Populist work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Populist die Populisten
Genitive des Populisten der Populisten
Dative dem Populisten den Populisten
Akkusative den Populisten die Populisten

What is the meaning of Populist in German?

Populist is defined as:

[1] person who is a supporter or representative of populism

[1] Person, die ein Anhänger oder Vertreter des Populismus ist

How to use Populist in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Populist with translations in English.

[1] In Europa sind eher Populisten am rechten politischen Spektrum erfolgreich, in Lateinamerika stehen sie links von der Mitte.

[1] Populists in the right political spectrum are more successful in Europe, in Latin America they are left of the Middle

[1] „Entweder der Begriff Populist wird in einen neuen Kontext gestellt, oder aber er verschwindet gänzlich.“

[1] "Either the term populist is put in a new context, or it disappears completely"

[1] „Dann könnte die Stunde des heute noch unbekannten Populisten schlagen.“

[1] "Then the hour of the populist that still unknown could strike"

[1] „Etwas unsicher auch Robert Misik in der Berliner TAZ: War der Populist Haider schwul oder bi? Und was geht uns das an?“

[1] "Robert Misik in the Berlin taz: Was the populist Haider gay or biodes and what does that matter to us?"

[1] „Eines hat der Sportler Kohl mit dem Populisten Haider gemein: Er hat es mit Halbwahrheiten und perfiden Methoden an die Spitze geschafft.“

[1] "The athlete Kohl has in common with the populist Haider: he made it to the top with half -truths and perfidious methods"