Is it der, die or das Pope?
The correct article in German of Pope is der. So it is der Pope! (nominative case)
The word Pope is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Pope?
How does the declension of Pope work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Pope | die Popen |
Genitive | des Popen | der Popen |
Dative | dem Popen | den Popen |
Akkusative | den Popen | die Popen |
What is the meaning of Pope in German?
Pope has various definitions in German:
[1] Religion: Spiritual of an Orthodox Church
[1] Religion: Geistlicher einer orthodoxen Kirche[2] pejorative: clergyman who does not belong to the group under [1]
[2] abwertend: Geistlicher, der nicht zur Gruppe unter [1] gehörtHow to use Pope in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Pope with translations in English.
[1] „Zorica, die Nachbarin aus dem zweiten Stock, umarmt dich, nimmt einen Keks und sagt, sie habe auf dem Markt den Popen getroffen, der die Zeremonie am Friedhof abhalten werde.“
[1] "Zorica, the neighbor from the second floor, hug you, takes a biscuit and says that she had hit the pops on the market who will hold the ceremony in the cemetery"[1] „Der Pope mit einem langen Bart war über mein Auftauchen überrascht und fragte mich auf griechisch, ob ich ein »Romeo«, ein Grieche sei.“
[1] "The Pope with a long beard was surprised by my appearance and asked me in Greek if I was a" Romeo ", a Greek Seiä"