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Is it der, die or das Po?



The correct article in German of Po is der. So it is der Po! (nominative case)

The word Po is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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Context 1

German declension of Po?

How does the declension of Po work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Po die Pos
Genitive des Pos der Pos
Dative dem Po den Pos
Akkusative den Po die Pos

What is the meaning of Po in German?

Po is defined as:

[1] colloquially: buttocks (human part of the body where you sit on)

[1] umgangssprachlich: Gesäß (menschlicher Körperteil, auf dem gesessen wird)

How to use Po in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Po with translations in English.

[1] Beim Glatteis gestern bin ich ausgerutscht und auf den Po gefallen.

[1] With the black ice yesterday I slipped and fell on the buttocks

[1] „Diesen Po musste man haben, den oder keinen.“

[1] "You had to have this butt

[1] „Die Männchen anderer Affenarten tragen die auffällige Farbe, die den Weibchen signalisieren soll, was für potente Kerle sie sind, am Po.“

[1] "The males of other types of monkeys carry the striking color that is supposed to signal the females what potent guys they are, at the Poä"

[1] „Almuth lachte und kniff ihn in den Po.“

[1] "Almuth laughed and pinched him into the Poe"

[1] „Manchmal schüttelte sie nur enttäuscht den Kopf und schickte ihn fort, an anderen Tagen jedoch schlug sie ihn mit dem hölzernen Lineal auf Rücken und Po und rief dabei immer wieder: »Denk nach! Denk nach!«.“

[1] "Sometimes she just shook her head disappointed and sent it away, but on other days she hit him with the wooden ruler on the back and butt again and called again and again:" Think after! "

Is it der, die or das Po?



The correct article in German of Po is der. So it is der Po! (nominative case)

The word Po is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

Context 2

German declension of Po?

How does the declension of Po work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Po
Genitive des Po des Pos
Dative dem Po
Akkusative den Po

What is the meaning of Po in German?

Po is defined as:

[1] Geography: With a length of 652 km, the longest river in Italy

[1] Geografie: mit 652 km Länge der längste Fluss Italiens

How to use Po in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Po with translations in English.

[1] Der Po ist der größte Fluss Italiens.

[1] The butt is the largest river Italy

[1] „Ich konnte dann irgendwo über den Po setzen und geradewegs nach Venedig fahren.“

[1] "I was able to put over my butt somewhere and drive straight to Venice"

Pictures or photos of Po

[1] eine bildliche Darstellung eines Pos
[1] eine bildliche Darstellung eines Pos