Is it der, die or das Plan?

The correct article in German of Plan is der. So it is der Plan! (nominative case)
The word Plan is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 1
German declension of Plan?
How does the declension of Plan work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Plan | die Pläne |
Genitive | des Plans des Planes | der Pläne |
Dative | dem Plan dem Plane | den Plänen |
Akkusative | den Plan | die Pläne |
What is the meaning of Plan in German?
Plan has various definitions in German:
[1] a well thought-out project, idea or conception of a procedure
[1] ein durchdachtes Vorhaben, eine Idee oder Vorstellung einer Vorgehensweise[2] Geography: map or map
[2] Geografie: Karte oder Landkarte[3] Technology: reduced representation of a building or representation of a technical part
[3] Technik: verkleinerte Darstellung eines Gebäudes oder Darstellung eines technischen Teils[4] usually only singular: flat, spacious (lawn) area
[4] normalerweise nur Singular: ebene, weiträumige (Rasen)flächeHow to use Plan in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Plan with translations in English.
[1] Der Plan sieht verschiedene Möglichkeiten vor.
[1] The plan provides for various options.[1] „Ja, mach nur einen Plan, sei nur ein großes Licht, dann mach noch einen zweiten Plan, geh'n tun sie beide nicht.“[3]
[1] "Yes, just make one plan, just be a big light, then make a second plan, they both don't go." [3][1] „Penibel ausgearbeitete Pläne für Internierungslager und Listen mit Namen der zur Internierung vorgesehenen Systemkritiker lagen tatsächlich längst vor.“[4]
[1] "Meticulously worked out plans for internment camps and lists with the names of the system critics planned for internment had actually long been available ." [4][1] „Nikolai setzte ihr seinen Plan auseinander.“[5]
[1] "Nikolai explained his plan to her ." [5][1] „Drei Tage nach Ende des Lokführerstreiks läuft bei der Deutschen Bahn fast wieder alles nach Plan.“[6]
[1] "Three days after the end of the train drivers' strike, almost everything is going according to plan at Deutsche Bahn." [6][2] Man kann hier auf dem Plan sehen, wo wir uns befinden.
[2] You can see where we are on the map here[3] Architekten fertigen Pläne zukünftiger Gebäude an.
[3] Architects prepare plans for future buildings.[4] …und sie lenkt die Herrscherschritte durch des Feldes weiten Plan. (Friedrich Schiller, Das Eleusische Fest, Gedicht)
[4] ... and she directs the ruler's steps through the field-wide plan. (Friedrich Schiller, Das Eleusische Fest, poem)[4] …wenn sich lau die Lüfte füllen um den grünumschränkten Plan. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust II A I, Anmutige Gegend / Chor Vers 4634f)
[4]… when the breezes fill up around the green-enclosed plan. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust II A I, Graceful Area / Chorus, verse 4634f)Is it der, die or das Plan?

The correct article in German of Plan is das. So it is das Plan! (nominative case)
The word Plan is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
The article is used if “plan” is in a certain quality, at a certain point in time or period as a subject or object in the sentence . Otherwise, normally, no article is used.
Context 2
German declension of Plan?
How does the declension of Plan work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | (das) Plan | — |
Genitive | (des Plan) (des Plans) Plans | — |
Dative | (dem) Plan | — |
Akkusative | (das) Plan | — |
What is the meaning of Plan in German?
Plan is defined as:
[1] Name (part of) several places or field name:
[1] Name(nsteil) mehrerer Orte oder Flurname:[1a] Gieses plan (16321 Bernau near Berlin, Germany)
[1a] Gieses Plan (16321 Bernau bei Berlin, Deutschland)[1b] Plan, Kraatzer Plan (16775 Gransee, Germany)
[1b] Plan, Kraatzer Plan (16775 Gransee, Deutschland)[1c] Mutzer Plan (16792 Zehdenick, Germany)
[1c] Mutzer Plan (16792 Zehdenick, Deutschland)[1d] Schöneicher Plan (15749 Zossen, Germany)
[1d] Schöneicher Plan (15749 Zossen, Deutschland)[1e] Böhl's plan, Stern's plan, Weber's plan, Wolf's plan (16845 Dreetz, Neustadt (Dosse), Germany)
[1e] Böhls Plan, Sterns Plan, Webers Plan, Wolfs Plan (16845 Dreetz, Neustadt (Dosse), Deutschland)[1f] Plan (a village in the Swiss municipality of Samnaun)
[1f] Plan (ein Dorf in der Schweizer Gemeinde Samnaun)[1g] Entenplan (place in 06217 Merseburg, Germany)
[1g] Entenplan (Platz in 06217 Merseburg, Deutschland)[1h] Frauenplan (street / square in 99423 Weimar, Germany)
[1h] Frauenplan (Straße/Platz in 99423 Weimar, Deutschland)[1i] Frauenplan (street / square in 99817 Eisenach, Germany)
[1i] Frauenplan (Straße/Platz in 99817 Eisenach, Deutschland)How to use Plan in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Plan with translations in English.
[1] Ich bin gerade unterwegs nach Plan.
[1] I'm currently on the way to plan.[1] das Plan des vorigen Jahrhunderts
[1] the plan of the previous century