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Is it der, die or das Pick-up?



The correct article in German of Pick-up is der. So it is der Pick-up! (nominative case)

The word Pick-up is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Pick-up?

How does the declension of Pick-up work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Pick-up die Pick-ups
Genitive des Pick-ups der Pick-ups
Dative dem Pick-up den Pick-ups
Akkusative den Pick-up die Pick-ups

What is the meaning of Pick-up in German?

Pick-up is defined as:

[1] Small platform truck

[1] kleiner Pritschenwagen

How to use Pick-up in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Pick-up with translations in English.

[1] Der Pick-up war ziemlich neu, stand aber auf platten Reifen und schien seit Wochen nicht mehr bewegt worden zu sein.

[1] The pick-up was pretty new, but stood on slabs tires and seemed to be moving for weeks

[1] „Wir stiegen in einen Pick-up ohne Scheiben.“

[1] "We got into a pick-up without a window"

[1] „Als wir mit laut heulender Motorbremse vorsichtig ins Niltal rollen, sehen wir am rechten Straßenrand einen roten Toyota Pick-up.“

[1] "When we roll carefully into the Niltal with the howling engine brake, we see a red Toyota Pick-Upether on the right side of the road"

[1] „Etwa 15 Minuten später fuhr ein Pick-up vor, und die Männer im Wagen wiesen uns an, ihnen zu folgen.“

[1] "About 15 minutes later a pick-up drove up, and the men in the car pointed out to us to follow them"

[1] „Pick-ups waren mit Obst und Gemüse beladen.“

[1] "Pick-ups were loaded with fruit and vegetables"

Pictures or photos of Pick-up

[1] Pick-up
[1] Pick-up