Is it der, die or das Philosoph?
The correct article in German of Philosoph is der. So it is der Philosoph! (nominative case)
The word Philosoph is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Philosoph?
How does the declension of Philosoph work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Philosoph | die Philosophen |
Genitive | des Philosophen | der Philosophen |
Dative | dem Philosophen | den Philosophen |
Akkusative | den Philosophen | die Philosophen |
What is the meaning of Philosoph in German?
Philosoph has various definitions in German:
[1] A researcher in the field of philosophy
[1] ein Forscher des Gebietes Philosophie[2] Someone who likes to philosophize
[2] jemand, der gerne philosophiertHow to use Philosoph in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Philosoph with translations in English.
[1] Das Studium der Wahrheit, des Schönen und des Guten beschäftigt das Leben eines Philosophen.
[1] The study of the truth, the beautiful and good of good deals with the life of a philosophery[1] „In einer einflussreichen Vorlesung von 1962 hat der Philosoph Joachim Ritter das mit Petrarca einsetzende Motiv des Blicks vom Berge als Ausdruck neuzeitlicher Subjektivität gedeutet.“
[1] "In an influential lecture from 1962, the philosopher Joachim Ritter interpreted the motive of the view from the mountains as an expression of modern subjectivity" "[1] „Jeder Philosoph sagt etwas anderes, und darunter die neuesten recht gleichgültige Dinge.“
[1] "Every philosopher says something else, and among them the latest quite indifferent things"[1] „Der Philosoph vermochte aber auch in Köln nicht Wurzeln zu schlagen.“
[1] "The philosopher was unable to strike roots in Cologne either"[1] „Aristoteles war kein Christ gewesen, aber er war der Philosoph par excellence.“
[1] "Aristotle was not a Christian, but he was the philosopher par excellence" "[2] An dieser Stelle muss ich zum Philosophen werden.
[2] At this point I have to become a philosopher[2] „Er spricht wie ein Philosoph.“
[2] "He speaks like a philosophy"Pictures or photos of Philosoph
![[1] Vier Philosophen, von Peter Paul Rubens](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Peter_Paul_Rubens_118.jpg)