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Is it der, die or das Pflaume?



The correct article in German of Pflaume is die. So it is die Pflaume! (nominative case)

The word Pflaume is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Pflaume?

How does the declension of Pflaume work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Pflaume die Pflaumen
Genitive der Pflaume der Pflaumen
Dative der Pflaume den Pflaumen
Akkusative die Pflaume die Pflaumen

What is the meaning of Pflaume in German?

Pflaume has various definitions in German:

[1] Baum that is one of the rose plants

[1] Baum, der zu den Rosengewächsen zählt

[2] fruit of [1]

[2] Frucht von [1]

[3] colloquially: vagina

[3] umgangssprachlich: Scheide

[4] colloquially: failure

[4] umgangssprachlich: Versager

How to use Pflaume in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Pflaume with translations in English.

[1] Die Pflaumen blühen.

[1] The plums flower

[2] Ich esse gerne Pflaumen.

[2] I like to eat plum

[2] „Die Pflaumen waren noch grün, die Kirschen überreif und faulig.“

[2] "The plums were still green, the cherries are overripe and fauled"

[2] „Irgendwann mußten sie ja mit ihren Pflaumen, der Schlagsahne und dem Tischgebet fertig sein.“

[2] "At some point they had to be ready with their plums, whipped cream and the table prayer"

[3] Sie glaubte schon, dass er die Banane der Pflaume vorzöge.

[3] She already believed that he was the banana of the plum

[4] Mann, du Pflaume, bei dir klappt auch gar nichts!

[4] Man, you plum, nothing works for you at all

Pictures or photos of Pflaume

[1] Pflaumenbaum
[1] Pflaumenbaum
[2] Pflaume (Früchte)
[2] Pflaume (Früchte)