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Is it der, die or das Pfarrer?



The correct article in German of Pfarrer is der. So it is der Pfarrer! (nominative case)

The word Pfarrer is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Pfarrer?

How does the declension of Pfarrer work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Pfarrer die Pfarrer
Genitive des Pfarrers der Pfarrer
Dative dem Pfarrer den Pfarrern
Akkusative den Pfarrer die Pfarrer

What is the meaning of Pfarrer in German?

Pfarrer is defined as:

[1] Christianity: a person who is entrusted with the management of church services, pastoral care and usually also the management of a community

[1] Christentum: eine Person, die mit der Leitung von Gottesdiensten, der seelsorglichen Betreuung und in der Regel auch der Leitung einer Gemeinde betraut ist

How to use Pfarrer in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Pfarrer with translations in English.

[1] „Robert Nandkisore, Pfarrer der St. Antonius-Gemeinde, meint gar, dass über jene fremd anmutende Musik die Welle im Indischen Ozean in die Rödelheimer Kirche "hineingespült" werde.“

[1] "Robert Nandkisore, pastor of the Antonius community, even believes that the wave in the Indian Ocean is" rinsed "into the Rödelheim church."

[1] „Der Pfarrer nickte ihm zu und ging zum Altar.“

[1] "The pastor nodded him and went to the altar" "

[1] „Der Gedanke, vor seinen Schöpfer zu treten, nachdem er gerade jemanden umgebracht hatte, wollte Pfarrer Ferguson so gar nicht gefallen.“

[1] "The thought of stepping in front of his creator after he had just killed someone, Pastor Ferguson didn't want to like it at all"

[1] „Sie weinte, weil sie ahnte, was der Pfarrer gemeint hatte.“

[1] "She cried because she suspected what the pastor meant"