Is it der, die or das Patientin?

The correct article in German of Patientin is die. So it is die Patientin! (nominative case)
The word Patientin is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Patientin?
How does the declension of Patientin work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Patientin | die Patientinnen |
Genitive | der Patientin | der Patientinnen |
Dative | der Patientin | den Patientinnen |
Akkusative | die Patientin | die Patientinnen |
What is the meaning of Patientin in German?
Patientin is defined as:
[1] Female person who is in medical treatment
[1] weibliche Person, die sich in medizinischer Behandlung befindetHow to use Patientin in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Patientin with translations in English.
[1] „Auf dem Stundenplan der Patientin standen Einzel- und Gruppengespräche, Physiotherapie, Massagen, Sporttherapie, Entspannungsübungen und Ernährungsberatung.“
[1] "On the patient's timetable, individual and group discussions, physiotherapy, massages, sports therapy, relaxation exercises and nutritional advice" were[1] „Uns wurde also das Recht zugebilligt, Patientinnen aufzunehmen.“
[1] So "we were granted the right to take patients to take up"[1] „Die Patientin schien eher ein Herzproblem zu haben.“
[1] "The patient seemed to have a heart problem"[1] „An den Mundschleimhäuten bilden sich Geschwüre, so daß die Patientin allenfalls trinken, aber nichts essen kann.“
[1] "Urbanity form ulcers on the oral mucosa, so that the patient drinks at best, but nothing can eat"[1] „Die beiden Patientinnen waren anscheinend so beeindruckt von der Medizinersprache, dass sie versuchten, dieses Sprachgebaren zu imitieren.“
[1] "The two patients were apparently so impressed by the medical language that they tried to imitate this language behavior"