Is it der, die or das Pater?
The correct article in German of Pater is der. So it is der Pater! (nominative case)
The word Pater is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Pater?
How does the declension of Pater work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Pater | die Patres |
Genitive | des Paters | der Patres |
Dative | dem Pater | den Patres |
Akkusative | den Pater | die Patres |
What is the meaning of Pater in German?
Pater has various definitions in German:
[1] Catholicism, outdated: salutation for priests, especially religious priests
[1] Katholizismus, veraltend: Anrede für Priester, insbesondere Ordenspriester[2] Metonymic: The person himself an order priest
[2] metonymisch: die Person selbst OrdenspriesterHow to use Pater in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Pater with translations in English.
[1] Wo ist Pater Benedikt?
[1] Where is Father Benedikteane[1] „Gegen die Beichtväter der Fürsten richtet Pater Spee in seinem Gewissensbuch die schwersten Vorwürfe.“
[1] "Against the confessors of the princes, Father Spee directed the most difficult allegations in his conscience"[1] „Ich dankte dem Doktor für diesen Rat; doch kehrte ich mich nicht daran, weil ich glaubte, der üble Ruf des Paters rührte nur von seinen freien Ansichten her.“
[1] "I thanked the doctor for this Rat, but I did not return because I believed that the faster's bad reputation only moved from his free views"[2] Der Pater im Meßgewand geht mit raschen Schritten über den Platz, gefolgt von Meßknaben. (Max Frisch: Andorra. 1. Bild.)
[2] The priest in the measuring robe goes across the square with quick steps, followed by Meßknabenä (Max Frisch: Andorra. 1. Image.)[2] „Immer wieder wirft sich der Pater vor dem Kreuz zu Boden.“
[2] "Again and again the priest throws himself to the ground in front of the cross"[2] „Ein junger Pater spricht einige kurze Gebete.“
[2] "A young priest speaks some short prayer" "