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Is it der, die or das Pakistan?


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German declension of Pakistan?

How does the declension of Pakistan work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative (das) Pakistan
Genitive (des Pakistan) (des Pakistans) Pakistans
Dative (dem) Pakistan
Akkusative (das) Pakistan

What is the meaning of Pakistan in German?

Pakistan is defined as:

[1] State in southern Asia

[1] Staat im südlichen Asien

How to use Pakistan in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Pakistan with translations in English.

[1] Pakistan grenzt an Iran, Afghanistan, China und Indien.

[1] Pakistan borders Iran, Afghanistan, China and India

[1] Islamabad ist die Hauptstadt von Pakistan.

[1] Islamabad is the capital of Pakistanä

[1] Heftiger Monsunregen und neue Erdrutsche haben im Norden Pakistans mehr als 50 Menschen getötet und die Flutkatastrophe weiter verschärft.

[1] Violent monsoon rain and new landslides have killed more than 50 people in northern Pakistan and further tightened the flood disaster