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Is it der, die or das Paket?



The correct article in German of Paket is das. So it is das Paket! (nominative case)

The word Paket is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Paket?

How does the declension of Paket work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Paket die Pakete
Genitive des Paketes des Pakets der Pakete
Dative dem Paket dem Pakete den Paketen
Akkusative das Paket die Pakete

What is the meaning of Paket in German?

Paket has various definitions in German:

[1] Packaging of one or more objects for protection, for the purpose of bundling, increasing the surprise effect, the joke effect

[1] Verpackung eines oder mehrerer Gegenstände zum Schutz, zu Zwecken der Bündelung, der Steigerung des Überraschungseffekts, des Scherzeffektes

[2] Shipping or package shipment with other service providers

[2] Postsendung oder Paketsendung mit anderen Dienstleistern

[3] Binding compilation, combination of different elements, goods, products, services, agreements, agreements and the like

[3] verbindliche Zusammenstellung, Kombination von verschiedenen Elementen, Waren, Produkten, Dienstleistungen, Vereinbarungen, Abkommen und Ähnlichem

[4] Unity of a transfer protocol

[4] Einheit eines Transferprotokolls

How to use Paket in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Paket with translations in English.

[1] Ich mache ein Paket fertig.

[1] I'm doing a package

[2] Ich habe ein Paket von der Post bekommen.

[2] I got a package from the post office

[2] „Da viele Pakete an einzelne Empfänger adressiert waren, konnten Angehörige auch individuelle Spenden hinzufügen.“

[2] "Since many packages were addressed to individual recipients, relatives were also able to add individual donations"

[3] Wie viele Reformen brauchen wir, um ein Paket zusammenzuschnüren?

[3] How many reforms do we need to bring a package together

[4] Wie viele TCP/IP-Pakete sind bei dir angekommen?

[4] How many TCP/IP packages have you received