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Is it der, die or das Ostasien?


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German declension of Ostasien?

How does the declension of Ostasien work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative (das) Ostasien
Genitive (des Ostasien) (des Ostasiens) Ostasiens
Dative (dem) Ostasien
Akkusative (das) Ostasien

What is the meaning of Ostasien in German?

Ostasien is defined as:

[1] eastern part of the continent of Asia

[1] östlicher Teil des Kontinents Asiens

How to use Ostasien in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Ostasien with translations in English.

[1] „Kurz vor dem umstrittenen Start der Langstreckenrakete wuchs in Ostasien die Nervosität.“

[1] "Shortly before the controversial start of the long -range rocket, the nervousness grew in East Asia"

[1] „Kolumbus war überzeugt, dass er an einer kleinen Insel vor der Küste Ostasiens angelangt war, und dass die Menschen, denen er am Strand begegnete, Inder waren (weshalb die Ureinwohner bis heute als »Indios« oder »Indianer« bezeichnet werden).“

[1] "Columbus was convinced that he had reached a small island off the coast of East Asia, and that the people he met on the beach were indoors (which is why the indigenous people are still called" Indios "or" Indians " ) . "