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Is it der, die or das Operation?



The correct article in German of Operation is die. So it is die Operation! (nominative case)

The word Operation is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Operation?

How does the declension of Operation work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Operation die Operationen
Genitive der Operation der Operationen
Dative der Operation den Operationen
Akkusative die Operation die Operationen

What is the meaning of Operation in German?

Operation has various definitions in German:

[1] Medicine: surgical intervention in the organism

[1] Medizin: chirurgischer Eingriff in den Organismus

[2] Military: Use of armed forces

[2] Militär: Einsatz von Streitkräften

[3] in the case of secret services: a precisely planned action, also under cover names

[3] bei Geheimdiensten: eine präzise geplante Aktion, auch unter Decknamen

[4] Mathematics: calculation process

[4] Mathematik: Rechenvorgang

[5] EDP: program step

[5] EDV: Programmschritt

How to use Operation in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Operation with translations in English.

[1] Die Operation ist gut verlaufen.

[1] The operation went well.

[1] Eine Brustvergrößerung ist eine sehr heikle Operation.

[1] Breast augmentation is a very delicate operation

[1] Auf Grund von Komplikationen während einer komplizierten Operation am Herzen, ist die Frau einige Stunden danach verstorben.

[1] Due to complications during a complicated operation on the heart, the woman died a few hours later.

[1] „Bis zur Operation war ich noch froh, weil ich im Bett liegen konnte, während die anderen Kopfrechnen hatten.“[2]

[1] "Up until the operation I was still happy because I could lie in bed while the others had mental arithmetic ." [2]

[1] „Eine schwere, nicht geglückte Operation trieb ihn körperlich an den äußeren Rand des Lebens.“[3]

[1] "A serious, unsuccessful operation drove him physically to the outer edge of life ." [3]

[1] „Freiwillige Operationen sind also nicht meine Sache.“[4]

[1] "So voluntary operations are not my thing?" [4]

[1] „In zwei Wochen ist ihre Operation.“[5]

[1] "Your operation will be in two weeks ." [5]

[2] Um sechs Uhr beginnt Operation: Flammenmeer.

[2] Operation: Sea of ​​Flames . begins at six o'clock



[4] Die Operation Wurzelziehen ist auch in den reellen Zahlen nicht immer lösbar.

[4] The operation of extracting the roots is not always solvable even in real numbers.

