Is it der, die or das Oper?

The correct article in German of Oper is die. So it is die Oper! (nominative case)
The word Oper is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Oper?
How does the declension of Oper work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Oper | die Opern |
Genitive | der Oper | der Opern |
Dative | der Oper | den Opern |
Akkusative | die Oper | die Opern |
What is the meaning of Oper in German?
Oper has various definitions in German:
[1] Genesis for dramatic stage works, the action of which is presented by singing and instrumental music
[1] Gattungsbezeichnung für dramatische Bühnenwerke, deren Handlung durch Gesang und Instrumentalmusik dargestellt wird[2] Description for a single work of the genus [1]
[2] Bezeichnung für ein einzelnes Werk der Gattung [1][3] Short for Opera House
[3] kurz für Opernhaus[4] Company that organizes operas
[4] Unternehmen, das Opern organisiert[5] Ensemble of an opera house
[5] Ensemble eines OpernhausesHow to use Oper in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Oper with translations in English.
[1] Die Gattung der Oper entstand um 1600 in Florenz.
[1] The genus of the opera was created around 1600 in Florent[1] „Eine Oper war es nicht, auch nicht, was es im Ursprung gewesen war, eine Verspottung der Oper, es war, das einzig Ungefälschte daran, eine Operette.“
[1] "It wasn't an opera, not even what it was in the origin, a mockery of the opera, it was the only undesirable one of it, an operetta" "[2] Mozarts „Zauberflöte" ist eine Oper in zwei Akten.
[2] Mozart's "Magic Flute" is an opera in two files[2] „Da an diesem Abend keine Oper aufgeführt wurde, ging ich zum Empfang beim Kardinal.“
[2] "Since no opera was performed that evening, I went to the reception at the Cardinary" "[3] „Heute Abend gehen wir in die Oper.“
[3] "Tonight we go to the opera"[3] „Sie besuchte zum erstem Mal ein Kino, ein Museum, ging ins Theater und in die Oper.“
[3] "For the first time she visited a cinema, a museum, went to the theater and the opera"[4] Die Städtische Oper muss Budgetkürzungen hinnehmen.
[4] The municipal opera must accept budget cuts[5] Die Mailänder Oper gastiert in Wien.
[5] The Milan opera is guest in WienäPictures or photos of Oper
![[3] Opernhaus in Sydney](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Sydney_opera_house.jpg)