Is it der, die or das Normale?
The correct article in German of Normale is die. So it is die Normale! (nominative case)
The word Normale is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Normale?
How does the declension of Normale work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Normale | die Normalen |
Genitive | der Normale | der Normalen |
Dative | der Normale | den Normalen |
Akkusative | die Normale | die Normalen |
What is the meaning of Normale in German?
Normale is defined as:
[1] Mathematics: Especially that includes a right angle with another object
[1] Mathematik: Gerade, die mit einem anderen Objekt einen rechten Winkel einschließtHow to use Normale in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Normale with translations in English.
[1] „In einem Punkte einer Ebene läßt sich auf dieser nur eine Normale errichten.“
[1] "In a point of a level, only a normal building can be built on this"[1] „Die durch H zu OH gezogene Normale schneidet die Lotrechte durch D im Punkt Z der Grenzparabel und es ist dort HZ ihre Tangente.“
[1] "The normal normal by h cuts the vertical through D in point z the border parabola and it is hz there its tangentea"[1] „Ihren Namen erhielten Brennpunkte und Brennstrahlen aufgrund der Eigenschaft, dass der Winkel zwischen den beiden Brennstrahlen in einem Punkt der Ellipse durch die Normale in diesem Punkt halbiert wird.“
[1] "Your name was given focal points and burning rays due to the property that the angle between the two burning rays in one point of the ellipse is halved by the normal in this point"