Is it der, die or das Nikolaus?
The correct article in German of Nikolaus is der. So it is der Nikolaus! (nominative case)
The word Nikolaus is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
With regard to the plural forms of Nikolaus, different sources can be found in different sources: First of all, Nikoläus is referred to as the predominantly used form, while Nikolause rarely seldom is Nicholäus as colloquial and joking plural form in contrast to Nikolause, which is the usual form. In addition, Santa Clauses are also referred to as scenic and often jokingly used form.
Context 1
German declension of Nikolaus?
How does the declension of Nikolaus work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural 1 | Plural 2 |
Nominative | der Nikolaus | die Nikolause | die Nikoläuse |
Genitive | des Nikolaus des Nikolauses | der Nikolause | der Nikoläuse |
Dative | dem Nikolaus | den Nikolausen | den Nikoläusen |
Akkusative | den Nikolaus | die Nikolause | die Nikoläuse |
What is the meaning of Nikolaus in German?
Nikolaus has various definitions in German:
[1] Without plural: Figure of Christmas customs based on the model of St. Nicholas, in the existence of which the children should believe. She wears a great hat and a long robe and fills sweets to the children on the night of December Shoes or brings you other gifts
[1] ohne Plural: Figur des Weihnachtsbrauchtums nach dem Vorbild des heiligen Nikolaus, an deren Existenz die Kinder glauben sollen; sie trägt eine große Mütze und ein langes Gewand und füllt in der Nacht zum 6. Dezember den Kindern Süßigkeiten in die Schuhe oder bringt ihnen andere Geschenke[2] Person who disguised himself as Nikolaus [1] and gave the children to the children on December 6th
[2] Person, die sich als Nikolaus[1] verkleidet hat und am 6. Dezember die Kinder beschenkt[3] From chocolate, marzipan or similar figure, which represents the Nikolaus [1]
[3] aus Schokolade, Marzipan oder Ähnlichem bestehende Figur, die den Nikolaus[1] darstellt[4] Without Plural Adeen short for: Nikolausag, December 6th
[4] ohne Plural; kurz für: Nikolaustag, den 6. DezemberHow to use Nikolaus in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Nikolaus with translations in English.
[1] Putz deine Schuhe, morgen kommt der Nikolaus!
[1] Clean your shoes, tomorrow will come the Nikolände[1] Guck mal! Meine neue Kette! Hab ich vom Nikolaus geschenkt bekommen!
[1] Look my new chain! I got from Santa Claus![1] Glaubst du noch an den Nikolaus?
[1] Do you still believe in the Nikoläre[1] Gustav untersucht die Unterschiede der Darstellung des Nikolauses in der Werbung von 20 europäischen Staaten.
[1] Gustav examines the differences in the representation of the Nikolaus in the advertising of 20 European States[2] Im Einkaufszentrum liefen heute viele Nikoläuse umher, die an die Kinder Süßigkeiten verteilten.
[2] Today many Santa Clauses ran around in the shopping center that distributed sweets to the children[2] Achim verdient sich etwas dazu, indem er von Eltern als Nikolaus engagiert wird.
[2] Achim earns something about it by committed by parents as Nikolaus[2] Einer der Nikolause auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt erlitt einen Kollaps.
[2] One of the Nikolause at the Christmas market suffered a collapse[3] Tobi hat schon drei Nikoläuse vertilgt.
[3] Tobi already has three Santa Clauses.[3] In den Supermarktregalen stehen jetzt schon wieder die Nikoläuse.
[3] In the supermarket shelves, the Nikoläusieä is already standing again[4] Ich muss den Kindern noch was zum Nikolaus kaufen.
[4] I have to buy something to the children to Nikolaus[4] An Nikolaus hänge ich einen großen Stiefel aus Filz an meine Schlafzimmertür.
[4] On Nikolaus I hang a large pace of felt boots on my bedroom doorIs it der, die or das Nikolaus?
The correct article in German of Nikolaus is der. So it is der Nikolaus! (nominative case)
The word Nikolaus is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 2
German declension of Nikolaus?
How does the declension of Nikolaus work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural | ||||
Nominative | (der) Nikolaus | die Nikolause | ||||
Genitive | (des Nikolaus) Nikolaus’ | der Nikolause | ||||
Dative | (dem) Nikolaus | den Nikolausen | ||||
Akkusative | (den) Nikolaus | die Nikolause | ||||
siehe auch: Grammatik der deutschen Namen |
What is the meaning of Nikolaus in German?
Nikolaus is defined as:
[1] male first name
[1] männlicher VornameHow to use Nikolaus in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Nikolaus with translations in English.
[1] Nikolaus singt sehr gern und wurde dadurch bekannt.
[1] Nikolaus is very happy to sing and became known toPictures or photos of Nikolaus
![[1] Nikolaus, der Gaben durch den Schornstein wirft, mit seinem Knecht](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=St._Nikolaas_op_de_schoorsteen.jpg)
![[2] ein Nikolaus](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=NL%2C_Sinterklaas_1991-12-23.jpg)