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Is it der, die oder das Neuseeland?

The article is needed if "New Zealand" in a certain quality, at a certain point in time or period as a subject or object in the sentence, is otherwise, i.e. normally, no article is used.

Finding the right gender of a noun

German articles are used similarly to the English articles,a and the. However, they are declined differently (change) according to the number, gender and case of their nouns.

In the German language, the gender and therefore article is fixed for each noun.

Test your knowledge!

Choose the correct article.





The most difficult part of learning the German language is the articles (der, die, das) or rather the gender of each noun. The gender of each noun in German has no simple rule. In fact, it can even seem illogical. For example das Mädchen, a young girl is neutral while der Junge, a young boy is male.

It is a good idea to learn the correct article for each new word together - even if it means a lot of work. For example learning "der Hund" (the dog) rather than just Hund by itself. Fortunately, there are some rules about gender in German that make things a little easier. It might be even nicer if these rules didn't have exceptions - but you can't have everything! The best way to learn them is with the App - Der-Die-Das Train! (available for iOS and Android)

German nouns belong either to the gender masculine (male, standard gender) with the definite article der, to the feminine (feminine) with the definite article die, or to the neuter (neuter) with the definite article das.

  • for masculine: points of the compass, weather (Osten, Monsun, Sturm; however it is: das Gewitter), liquor/spirits (Wodka, Wein, Kognak), minerals, rocks (Marmor, Quarz, Granit, Diamant);

  • for feminine: ships and airplanes (die Deutschland, die Boeing; however it is: der Airbus), cigarette brands (Camel, Marlboro), many tree and plant species (Eiche, Pappel, Kiefer; aber: der Flieder), numbers (Eins, Million; however it is: das Dutzend), most inland rivers (Elbe, Oder, Donau; aber: der Rhein);

  • for neutrals: cafes, hotels, cinemas (das Mariott, das Cinemaxx), chemical elements (Helium, Arsen; however it is: der Schwefel, masculine elements have the suffix -stoff), letters, notes, languages and colors (das Orange, das A, das Englische), certain brand names for detergents and cleaning products (Ariel, Persil), continents, countries (die artikellosen: (das alte) Europa; however exceptions include: der Libanon, die Schweiz …).

German declension of Neuseeland?

How does the declension of Neuseeland work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative (das) Neuseeland
Genitive (des Neuseeland) (des Neuseelands) Neuseelands
Dative (dem) Neuseeland
Akkusative (das) Neuseeland

What is the meaning of Neuseeland in German?

Neuseeland has various definitions in German:

[1] Insel group with two large main islands in Oceania (in the South Pacific)

[1] Inselgruppe mit zwei großen Hauptinseln in Ozeanien (im Südpazifik)

[2] The state comprehensive this island group

[2] der diese Inselgruppe umfassende Staat

How to use Neuseeland in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Neuseeland with translations in English.

[1] Neuseeland ist berühmt für seine faszinierende Vogelwelt.

[1] New Zealand is famous for its fascinating bird world

[1] „Mit ihrem Sprung am Gummiseil war das Bungee-Jumping in Neuseeland geboren und verbreitete sich wie ein Lauffeuer auf der ganzen Welt.“

[1] "With her jump on the rubber rope, the bungee jumping was born in New Zealand and spread like a running fire all over the world"

[1] „Erste Standorte waren die Kawarau-Bridge und die Skippers Canyon Bridge. Seitdem entwickelte sich Neuseeland zum Mekka der Bungeespringer und des Abenteuer-Tourismus schlechthin.“

[1] "The first locations were the Kawarau-Bridge and the Skippers Canyon Bridge Since then, New Zealand has developed into the Mecca of Bungeespringer and adventure tourism par excellence."

[1, 2] „Auf der Südhalbkugel zählen das südliche Chile, Südostaustralien und die Südinsel Neuseelands zu den kühlgemäßigten Breiten.“

[1, 2] "In the southern hemisphere, the southern Chile, Southeast Australia and the South Island of New Zealand are among the cooling widths"

[1, 2] „Ausgerechnet Neuseeland, dessen Einwohner sich nach einem flugunfähigen Vogel stolz Kiwis nennen, hat sich diesem ungewöhnlichen Flugsport verschrieben.“

[1, 2] "of all things New Zealand, whose inhabitants proudly call themselves Kiwis after a bird that is incapable of flying, has written this unusual flight"

[2] Neuseeland protestierte gegen die Atombombentests.

[2] New Zealand protested against the atomic bomb test

[2] Wellington ist die Hauptstadt von Neuseeland.

[2] Wellington is the capital of New Zealand

[2] „In einer Langzeitstudie in Neuseeland wollen Forscher beobachtet haben, dass geduldigere Schüler im Schnitt einen besseren Schulabschluss machen.“

[2] "In a long -term study in New Zealand, researchers want to have observed that more patient students do a better school leaving certificate on average"

How do you pronounce Neuseeland?


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