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Is it der, die or das Neapolitaner?



The correct article in German of Neapolitaner is der. So it is der Neapolitaner! (nominative case)

The word Neapolitaner is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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Context 1

German declension of Neapolitaner?

How does the declension of Neapolitaner work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Neapolitaner die Neapolitaner
Genitive des Neapolitaners der Neapolitaner
Dative dem Neapolitaner den Neapolitanern
Akkusative den Neapolitaner die Neapolitaner

What is the meaning of Neapolitaner in German?

Neapolitaner has various definitions in German:

[1] inhabitants of the Italian city of Naples, from Naples

[1] Einwohner der italienischen Stadt Neapel, aus Neapel stammende Person

[2] Historical: residents of the Kingdom of Naples

[2] historisch: Einwohner des Königreichs Neapel

[3] Horse breeding: Bred horse breed bred in the Kingdom of Naples

[3] Pferdezucht: im Königreich Neapel gezüchtete Pferderasse

How to use Neapolitaner in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Neapolitaner with translations in English.

[1] Die Neapolitanerin und der Neapolitaner lernten sich in Grönland kennen.

[1] The Neapolitan and the Neapolitan met in Greenland

[1] „So etwas bekommen die Neapolitaner nicht alle Tage zu sehen. Auf dem Marktplatz vollstreckt der Henker das Todesurteil am König.“

[1] "The Neapolitan do not get something like this every day on the marketplace.

[1] „Der Gärtner war ein Neapolitaner und seit dreißig Jahren sein Sklave.“

[1] "The gardener was a Neapolitan and for thirty years his slave" "

[2] Die Neapolitaner unterstanden vor der endgültigen Eroberung durch die napoleonischen Truppen der Monarchie der Bourbonen.

[2] The Neapolitans were subject to the final conquest by the Napoleonic troops of the Bourbonä monarchy

[3] Der Neapolitaner wurde als Zug- und Reittier geschätzt.

[3] The Neapolitan was estimated as a train and mount

Is it der, die or das Neapolitaner?



The correct article in German of Neapolitaner is der. So it is der Neapolitaner! (nominative case)

The word Neapolitaner is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

Context 2

German declension of Neapolitaner?

How does the declension of Neapolitaner work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Neapolitaner die Neapolitaner
Genitive des Neapolitaners der Neapolitaner
Dative dem Neapolitaner den Neapolitanern
Akkusative den Neapolitaner die Neapolitaner

What is the meaning of Neapolitaner in German?

Neapolitaner is defined as:

[1] Waffle filled with sweet cream

[1] mit süßer Creme gefüllte Waffel

How to use Neapolitaner in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Neapolitaner with translations in English.

[1] Zum Kaffee gibt es Neapolitaner dazu.

[1] There is Neapolitan for coffee