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German declension of Neapel?

How does the declension of Neapel work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative (das) Neapel
Genitive (des Neapel) (des Neapels) Neapels
Dative (dem) Neapel
Akkusative (das) Neapel

What is the meaning of Neapel in German?

Neapel is defined as:

City in southern Italy with around 1 million inhabitants

[1] Stadt in Süditalien mit etwa 1 Million Einwohner

How to use Neapel in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Neapel with translations in English.

[1] „Auffällig ist, dass Neapel keine einzelne Stadtmitte besitzt, sondern mehrere kleinere Zentren.“

[1] "It is striking that Naples does not have a single city center, but several smaller centers"

[1] Das Neapel des Mittelalter kann man noch wiederentdecken.

[1] The Naples of the Middle Ages can still be rediscovered

[1] „Er gab mir einen Brief an den Erzbischof von Cosenza mit, in dem er mich diesem warm empfahl und ihn bat, mich auf seine Kosten nach Neapel zu schicken.“

[1] "He gave me a letter to the Archbishop of Cosenza, in which he recommended me warm and asked him to send me to Naples at his expense"

Pictures or photos of Neapel

[1] Neapel
[1] Neapel