Is it der, die or das Mutter?

The correct article in German of Mutter is die. So it is die Mutter! (nominative case)
The word Mutter is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
Feminine kinatis names in prenominational position without article word receive one-off as a gift, Z. B. Mother's work [1] [2]
Context 1
German declension of Mutter?
How does the declension of Mutter work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Mutter | die Mütter |
Genitive | der Mutter | der Mütter |
Dative | der Mutter | den Müttern |
Akkusative | die Mutter | die Mütter |
What is the meaning of Mutter in German?
Mutter has various definitions in German:
[1] Female parent that raises her children and providing care of woman who was born one or more children
[1] weibliches Elternteil, das ihre Kinder aufzieht und versorgt; Frau, welche ein oder mehrere Kinder geboren hat[2] Female animal born a young
[2] weibliches Tier, das ein Junges geboren hat[3] Technique: Press template for records ;?!.¤¤
[3] Technik: Pressvorlage für Schallplatten; Matrize[4] colloquially: parent company
[4] umgangssprachlich: Muttergesellschaft[5] As a salutation of digniters in religions
[5] als Anrede von Würdenträgerinnen in Religionen[6] Figurative, personalizing: something that is considered superordinate, very significant or important
[6] figurativ, personifizierend: etwas, das als übergeordnet, sehr bedeutsam oder wichtig angesehen wirdHow to use Mutter in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Mutter with translations in English.
[1] Sie ist die Mutter von zwei Kindern.
[1] She is the mother of two children[1] „Sie war gekommen mit Mutter, Großmutter, vier Schwestern und sechs Nähmaschinen.“[4]
[1] "She had come with mother, grandmother, four sisters and six sewing machines k" [4][1] „Doch der Abendzug verspätet sich, und während Mutter mit der verdunkelten Straßenbahn durch die Stadt fährt, sind die Reiter schon in den Sattel gestiegen und abgerückt.“[5]
[1] "But the dinner is delayed, and while mother drives through the city with the darkened tram through the city, the riders have already risen into the saddle and wrapped" [5][1] „Die Mutter des Mädchens weckt eilig den Mann des Hauses, der sich gerade zu einem Mittagsschläfchen hingelegt hat, während die Tochter Wasser für Tee aufsetzt.“[6]
[1] "The mother's mother hastily awakens the man of the house, which has just laid down at a midday folding while the daughter puts water for tea" [6][1] „Ständig gab es Streitereien zwischen Mutter und Großmutter, und häufig kam es zwischen beiden zu tätlichen Auseinandersetzungen.“[7]
[1] "Constantly there were quarrels between mother and grandmother, and often there were between the two of convict conflicts k" [7][2] Die Mutter warf soeben sechs Junge.
[2] The mother warmly threw six boys[2] „Die jungen Eidechsen saugen niemals an ihren Müttern. Die Mütter haben deßwegen auch keine Brüste.“[8]
[2] "The young lizards never suck on their mothers the mothers have no breasts." [8][3] „Durch Wiederholung des galvanischen Prozesses wird vom Vater eine weitere Kopie gemacht, die «Mutter».“[9]
[3] "By repeating the galvanic process is made by the Father another copy, the" mother "." [9][3] „Von der ‚Mutter‘ können jederzeit weitere Pressmatrizen produziert werden.“[10]
[3] "The 'mother' can be produced at any time more press matrices are produced." [10][3] „Die Mutter muss erneut abgeformt werden, um ein negatives Abbild zu erhalten.“[11]
[3] "The mother must be reformed again to obtain a negative image" [11][4] „Die Mutter haftet für Handlungen der Tochtergesellschaft wie für Handlungen ihrer eigenen Mitarbeiter, unabhängig davon, ob sie Kenntnis von dem Verhalten oder Einfluss darauf gehabt hat.“[12]
[4] "The mother is liable for actions of the subsidiary as for actions of their own employees, regardless of whether they have been aware of the behavior or influence at it" [12][5] Mutter Theresa war Ordensschwester und Friedensnobelpreisträgerin.
[5] Mother Theresa was Order Sister and Nobel Peace Runner[5] Wenn ich vorstellen darf, das ist Mutter Margarete, unsere Klostervorsteherin.
[5] If I'm allowed to imagine, that's Mother Margarete, our monastery leader[6] „Die Mutter Natur ist die Mutter der Zufriedenheit; sie gießt sie in unsre Adern und Nerven.“[13]
[6] "The mother's nature is the mother of the satisfaction of satisfaction she pours her in our veins and nerves" [13][6] „Ich werde den meinen dieses Geschenk vermachen – damit auch sie die Mutter Erde schützen!“[14]
[6] "I'll make that a gift that - so you also protect the Mother Earth" [14][6] „Die Evolution war für ihn [Karl Marx] die Mutter des Sozialismus.“[15]
[6] "The evolution was for him [Karl Marx] the mother of socialism." [15][6] „Denke daran, dass deine Bitte die Mutter allen Lebens erfreuen wird.“[16]
[6] "Think of that your request will delight the mother of all life." [16][6] „Güte ist in diesem Betrachte, ja so darf ich mich ausdrücken, die Mutter der Schöpfung; Wahrheit die Tochter der Güte, und die Mutter der Existenz.“[17]
[6] "Goodness is in this view, yes, so I can express myself, the mother of creation land truth the daughter of the kindness, and the mother of the existence" [17][6] „Die Mutter aller Filme ist eine US-amerikanische Slapstick-Komödie aus dem Jahr 1991.“[18]
[6] "The mother of all films is an American slapstick comedy from 1991." [18][6] „Frauen gelten demnach nicht nur als Mutter der Nation, sondern gleichfalls als ›Aufbewahrungsort‹ der Gruppenidentität bzw. Hüterinnen kultureller Werte und Traditionen und als Verantwortliche für die ›Reinheit‹ des ›Volkskörpers‹.“[19]
[6] "Women therefore not only apply as a mother of the nation, but also as a" storage location "of the group identity or keratives of cultural values and traditions and as responsible for the> purity <of the> folk body <." [19]Is it der, die or das Mutter?

The correct article in German of Mutter is die. So it is die Mutter! (nominative case)
The word Mutter is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
Context 2
German declension of Mutter?
How does the declension of Mutter work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Mutter | die Muttern |
Genitive | der Mutter | der Muttern |
Dative | der Mutter | den Muttern |
Akkusative | die Mutter | die Muttern |
What is the meaning of Mutter in German?
Mutter is defined as:
[1] Short for: screw nut, which forms the counterpart to the screw
[1] kurz für: Schraubenmutter, welche das Gegenstück zu der Schraube bildetHow to use Mutter in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Mutter with translations in English.
[1] Er brauchte lange, um die richtige Mutter zu finden, die auf die Schraube passt.
[1] He needed a long time to find the right mother that fits on the screw[1] „Mühsam schraubte er die Mutter auf die Schraube. Mit dem Schraubenschlüssel zog er sie fest genug an, so dass die Schraube den Haken aufrecht hielt.“[2]
[1] "Tamily he screwed the mother on the screw oil with the wrench he pulled them tight enough, so that the screw held up the hook." [2]Is it der, die or das Mutter?

The correct article in German of Mutter is die. So it is die Mutter! (nominative case)
The word Mutter is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
Especially in the North German banking language, some generic designations are treated in the field of family (father, mother, ...) like proper names [1] It is then used without article and forms the genitive with -S, dative and accusative with -n. [1 ]
Context 3
German declension of Mutter?
How does the declension of Mutter work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | Mutter | — |
Genitive | Mutters | — |
Dative | Muttern | — |
Akkusative | Muttern | — |
What is the meaning of Mutter in German?
Mutter is defined as:
[1] Landscape, colloquial, especially North German: (own) mother (which is designated "mother" and not using her name)
[1] landschaftlich, umgangssprachlich; besonders norddeutsch: (eigene) Mutter (die mit „Mutter“ bezeichnet wird und nicht unter Verwendung ihres Namens)How to use Mutter in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Mutter with translations in English.
[1] Ich kann leider nicht zu Mutters Geburtstag kommen.
[1] Unfortunately, I can not come to Mother's birthday[1] Muttern habe ich den ganzen Tag noch nicht gesehen.
[1] Nuts I have not seen the whole day yetIs it der, die or das Mutter?

The correct article in German of Mutter is der or die. So it is der or die Mutter! (nominative case)
The word Mutter is masculine or feminine, therefore the correct article is der or die.
The oral, colloquial use of the article at surnames is not uniform at North German Used one tend to be no article, Mitteldeutsch is the use of uneven, in southern Germans, Austrian and Swiss idioms, the article is tended to be used. In the case of article use: the "mother" - for male individuals, the "mother" in the singular - for female individuals and / or a "mother" for one and / or a relatives from the family "mother "And / or the group of nobility carriers. The plural applies to the family and / or all names of the same name. The written, standard-language use for surnames is in principle without articles.
Context 4
German declension of Mutter?
How does the declension of Mutter work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular m | Singular f | Plural 1 | Plural 2 | ||
Nominative | der Mutter (Mutter) | die Mutter (Mutter) | die Mutters | die Mutter | ||
Genitive | des Mutter des Mutters Mutters | der Mutter (Mutter) | der Mutters | der Mutter | ||
Dative | dem Mutter (Mutter) | der Mutter (Mutter) | den Mutters | den Mutter | ||
Akkusative | den Mutter (Mutter) | die Mutter (Mutter) | die Mutters | die Mutter | ||
siehe auch: Grammatik der deutschen Namen |
What is the meaning of Mutter in German?
Mutter is defined as:
[1] German Surname, surname
[1] deutscher Nachname, FamiliennameHow to use Mutter in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Mutter with translations in English.
[1] Herr Mutter ist als Kaninchenzüchter erfolgreich.
[1] Mr. Mother is successful as rabbit breeder[1] Herr Mutter heiratet im September auf Hawaii.
[1] Mr. Mother marries in September in Hawaii[1] Frau Mutter liebt es, an Weihnachten Plätzchen zu backen.
[1] Ms. Mother loves to bake at Christmas cookies[1] Die Mutters lieben die Natur und die Tiere.
[1] The mother's love nature and the animalsPictures or photos of Mutter
![[1] Mutter mit Kindern: Le Repos, von William Adolphe Bouguereau (1879)](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_%281825-1905%29_-_Rest_%281879%29.jpg)