Is it der, die or das Moloch?
The correct article in German of Moloch is der. So it is der Moloch! (nominative case)
The word Moloch is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Moloch?
How does the declension of Moloch work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Moloch | die Moloche |
Genitive | des Molochs | der Moloche |
Dative | dem Moloch | den Molochen |
Akkusative | den Moloch | die Moloche |
What is the meaning of Moloch in German?
Moloch has various definitions in German:
[1] Religion: Phoenician-Canaanean victim rites, in which children were sacrificed by fire after biblical tradition, or the name of the nature to be sacrificed in this way
[1] Religion: phönizisch-kanaanäische Opferriten, bei denen nach biblischer Überlieferung Kinder durch Feuer geopfert wurden bzw. der Name des auf diese Weise zu opfernden Wesens[2] Something that demands sacrifices constantly and relentlessly
[2] etwas, das ständig und unerbittlich Opfer fordertHow to use Moloch in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Moloch with translations in English.
[1] „Sag zu den Israeliten: Jeder Mann unter den Israeliten oder unter den Fremden in Israel, der eines seiner Kinder dem Moloch gibt, wird mit dem Tod bestraft.“
[1] "Say to the Israelites: Every man among the Israelites or among the strangers in Israel, who gives one of his children to the juggernach, is punished with death"[2] Der Moloch Großstadt frisst sich in die blühenden Landschaften.
[2] The Moloch big city eats into the blooming landscapes[2] „Über Nacht wurde ich aus der Vertrautheit des Dorfes in die Anonymität des Molochs entlassen.“
[2] "Overnight I was released from the familiarity of the village into the anonymity of the juggernut" "