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Is it der, die or das Moll?



The correct article in German of Moll is das. So it is das Moll! (nominative case)

The word Moll is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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Choose the correct article.





Context 1

German declension of Moll?

How does the declension of Moll work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Moll
Genitive des Moll
Dative dem Moll
Akkusative das Moll

What is the meaning of Moll in German?

Moll is defined as:

[1] A sound network of a sound connection, the characteristic of which is a small third in relation to the basic tone

[1] ein Tongeschlecht einer Klangverbindung, deren Charakteristikum eine kleine Terz im Verhältnis zum Grundton ist

How to use Moll in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Moll with translations in English.

[1] Am Schluss des Stückes vollzieht sich eine Wendung ins Moll.

[1] At the end of the piece, a turn takes place into the minor

[1] „Dieses Spiel in Moll hatte bisher gewirkt, hatte Frauen nach Missstimmungen schnell wieder zu erotischen Zuwendungen animiert; auch Almuth hatte er damit einige Male umgestimmt.“

[1] "This game in Moll had worked so far, after misconcunctions, quickly had erotic grants. Animate.

Is it der, die or das Moll?




The correct article in German of Moll is der or die. So it is der or die Moll! (nominative case)

The word Moll is masculine or feminine, therefore the correct article is der or die.

Context 2

German declension of Moll?

How does the declension of Moll work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular m Singular f Plural
Nominative der Moll (Moll) die Moll (Moll) die Molls
Genitive des Moll des Molls Molls der Moll (Moll) der Molls
Dative dem Moll (Moll) der Moll (Moll) den Molls
Akkusative den Moll (Moll) die Moll (Moll) die Molls
siehe auch: Grammatik der deutschen Namen

What is the meaning of Moll in German?

Moll is defined as:

[1] German surname, family name

[1] deutscher Nachname, Familienname

How to use Moll in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Moll with translations in English.

