Is it der, die or das Metropole?

The correct article in German of Metropole is die. So it is die Metropole! (nominative case)
The word Metropole is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Metropole?
How does the declension of Metropole work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Metropole | die Metropolen |
Genitive | der Metropole | der Metropolen |
Dative | der Metropole | den Metropolen |
Akkusative | die Metropole | die Metropolen |
What is the meaning of Metropole in German?
Metropole is defined as:
[1] Very large and/or important city/place because it dominates the region in question, is the center of a metropolitan area or, for example, also houses many cultures
[1] sehr große und/oder bedeutende Stadt/Stelle, weil sie die betreffende Region dominiert, Zentrum eines Ballungsraums ist oder zum Beispiel auch viele Kulturen beherbergtHow to use Metropole in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Metropole with translations in English.
[1] Paris ist die französische Metropole.
[1] Paris is the French metropolitano[1] „Die Metropole des Reiches war zu Zeiten des Arminius mit einer Million Einwohnern die größte Stadt der Welt.“
[1] "The metropolis of the empire was the largest city in the world at the time of Arminius with a million inhabitants"[1] „Mit diesen sechs Orten von der Metropole bis zur Provinz lässt sich repräsentativ beschreiben, wie die Deutschen den Ersten Weltkrieg erlebten.“
[1] "With these six locations from the metropolis to the province, it can be described representatively how the Germans experienced the First World War"[1] „Befestigte Straßen finden sich bestenfalls in den Innenstädten und zwischen den Metropolen.“
[1] "At best, fortified roads can be found in the city centers and between the metropolises"[1] „Die großen Metropolen Europas erlebten damals einen ungeheuren Schub an Hygiene, medizinischem und sanitärem Fortschritt.“
[1] "At that time, the large metropolises of Europe experienced tremendous thrust of hygiene, medical and sanitary progress"Pictures or photos of Metropole
![[1] Metropole](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Line2782_-_Flickr_-_NOAA_Photo_Library.jpg)