Is it der, die or das Maul?
The correct article in German of Maul is das. So it is das Maul! (nominative case)
The word Maul is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Maul?
How does the declension of Maul work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Maul | die Mäuler |
Genitive | des Mauls des Maules | der Mäuler |
Dative | dem Maul dem Maule | den Mäulern |
Akkusative | das Maul | die Mäuler |
What is the meaning of Maul in German?
Maul has various definitions in German:
[1] Body opening in animals through which food is absorbed
[1] Körperöffnung bei Tieren, durch die Nahrung aufgenommen wird[2] colloquially, pejorative: the human mouth
[2] umgangssprachlich, abwertend: der menschliche MundHow to use Maul in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Maul with translations in English.
[1] In den Mäulern einiger Tiere finden sich sehr viele Bakterien.
[1] There are many bacteria in the mouths of some animals[1] „Der Haken im Unterkiefer riß den Kopf des Haifischs hoch und hielt sein Maul über Wasser.“
[1] "The hook in the lower jaw tore up the head of the shark and kept his mouth over water"[2] „Gibt es denn Worte genug, um alle Mäuler damit zu stopfen?“
[2] "Are there any words enough to stuff die" to all mouths "[2] „Die verblüfften Hinterwäldler mit ihren zitternden Weibern und Kindern starrten ihnen mit offenen Mäulern nach.“
[2] "The amazed hind foresters with their trembling women and children stared at them with open mouths"Pictures or photos of Maul
![[1] das Maul eines Gauls](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Flehmendes_Pferd_32_c.jpg)