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Is it der, die or das Main?



The correct article in German of Main is der. So it is der Main! (nominative case)

The word Main is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Main?

How does the declension of Main work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Main
Genitive des Mains des Maines
Dative dem Main dem Maine
Akkusative den Main

What is the meaning of Main in German?

Main is defined as:

[1] An important right bank of the Rhine, which rises in the Fichtelgebirge, flows through only Germany and which flows east of Wiesbaden and Mainz into the Rhine

[1] ein bedeutender rechtsrheinischer Nebenfluss, welcher im Fichtelgebirge entspringt, ausschließlich Deutschland durchfließt und der östlich von Wiesbaden und Mainz in den Rhein mündet

How to use Main in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Main with translations in English.

[1] Es führt über den Main / Eine Brücke von Stein / Wer darüber will gehn / Muss im Tanze sich drehn - (Volkslied)

[1] It leads over the main / a bridge of stone / whoever wants to go / must turn in dance - (folk song)

[1] Am Main entlang geht es weiter gen Würzburg mit seiner barocken Residenz.

[1] Along the Main it goes on to Würzburg with its baroque residenze

[1] „Die Regnitz und die Altmühl, die Nebenflüsse des Mains und der Donau, sollten durch einen schiffbaren Graben miteinander verbunden werden.“

[1] "The Regnitz and the Altmühl, the tributaries of the Main and the Danube should be connected by a navigable ditch"

Pictures or photos of Main

[1] Der Main in Offenbach am Main
[1] Der Main in Offenbach am Main