Is it der, die or das Lurch?
The correct article in German of Lurch is der. So it is der Lurch! (nominative case)
The word Lurch is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 1
German declension of Lurch?
How does the declension of Lurch work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Lurch | die Lurche |
Genitive | des Lurchs des Lurches | der Lurche |
Dative | dem Lurch dem Lurche | den Lurchen |
Akkusative | den Lurch | die Lurche |
What is the meaning of Lurch in German?
Lurch is defined as:
[1] Zoology: amphibium
[1] Zoologie: AmphibiumHow to use Lurch in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Lurch with translations in English.
[1] Der Lurch des Jahres 2012 ist die Erdkröte.
[1] The Lurch of the Year 2012 is the earth toad[1] „Der Wolf (der Wolf),
[1] "The wolf (the wolf),der Lurch (der Lurch),
the lurch (the lurch),der Habicht (der Habicht)
the hawk (the hawk)und das Lamm (und das Lamm schrie)
And the lamb (and the lamb screamed)HURZ!“
Hurzää "Is it der, die or das Lurch?
The correct article in German of Lurch is der. So it is der Lurch! (nominative case)
The word Lurch is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 2
German declension of Lurch?
How does the declension of Lurch work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Lurch | — |
Genitive | des Lurchs des Lurches | — |
Dative | dem Lurch | — |
Akkusative | den Lurch | — |
What is the meaning of Lurch in German?
Lurch is defined as:
[1] Austria: A certain type of sweeping, a loose mixture of dust, hair, scales and the like
[1] Österreich: eine bestimmte Art von Kehricht, ein loses Gemisch aus Staub, Haaren, Schuppen und ÄhnlichemHow to use Lurch in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Lurch with translations in English.
[1] Wir müssen den ganzen Lurch unter den Betten ordentlich wegkehren.
[1] We have to go away all the amuses under the beds properlyPictures or photos of Lurch
![[1] einer von vielen Lurchen](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Spotted_Salamander.jpg)
![[1] Lurch](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Dust_bunnies.jpg)