Is it der, die or das Lump?
The correct article in German of Lump is der. So it is der Lump! (nominative case)
The word Lump is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Lump?
How does the declension of Lump work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Lump | die Lumpen |
Genitive | des Lumpen | der Lumpen |
Dative | dem Lumpen | den Lumpen |
Akkusative | den Lumpen | die Lumpen |
What is the meaning of Lump in German?
Lump is defined as:
[1] colloquially, pejorative: common person, person with a bad character
[1] umgangssprachlich, abwertend: gemeiner Mensch, Mensch mit schlechtem Charakter[a] confidential, familiar: to be deliberate deleted people
[a] vertraulich, vertraut: zu mutwilligen Streichen aufgelegter MenschHow to use Lump in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Lump with translations in English.
[1] Du bist ein elender Lump!
[1] You are a miserable Lumpää[1] „Er wollte anständig sein, aber da sind Schufte und Strolche und Lumpen, darum will Franz Biberkopf nichts mehr sehen und hören von der Welt, und wenn er Penner wird, er versauft den letzten Pfennig von seinem Geld.“
[1] "He wanted to be decent, but there are tapping and strolche and rags, so Franz Biberkopf does not want to see anything anymore and hear from the world, and when he becomes a bum, he messes up the last penny from his money"[1] „Wenn ich mit ihr verfahren wäre wie mit Nanetta und Martina, hätte sie sich, als ich sie verließ, nicht in einem so überreizten Zustand befunden, der wohl der Hauptgrund dafür gewesen war, daß sie dem Werben dieses Lumpen nachgegeben hatte.“
[1] “If I were a procedure with her like with Nanetta and Martina, when I left her, she would not have been in such an overwhelmed state that had probably been the main reason that she had given in to advertise this rag "[1a] Wo warst du nur, du kleiner Lump?
[1a] Where were you just, you little lump diet