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Is it der, die or das Liter?




The correct article in German of Liter is das or der. So it is das or der Liter! (nominative case)

The word Liter is neuter or masculine, therefore the correct article is das or der.

As a unit of measurement, the word in the plural is often not inflected

German declension of Liter?

How does the declension of Liter work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular 1 Singular 2 Plural
Nominative der Liter das Liter die Liter
Genitive des Liters des Liters der Liter
Dative dem Liter dem Liter den Litern
Akkusative den Liter das Liter die Liter

What is the meaning of Liter in German?

Liter is defined as:

[1] metric hollow dimension, SI unit, from a cubic insert (1 DM³ = 1/1000 m³), ​​mostly used as a volume unit for liquids or gases

[1] metrisches Hohlmaß, SI-Einheit, von einem Kubikdezimeter (1 dm³ = 1/1000 m³), als Volumeneinheit meist bei Flüssigkeiten oder Gasen verwendet

How to use Liter in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Liter with translations in English.

[1] Sie kaufte Brot und ein[en] Liter Milch.

[1] She bought bread and a liter of milking

[1] Das Auto hat einen Hubraum von 2,6 Litern.

[1] The car has a displacement of 2.6 liters

[1] „Dem Federgewicht-Franzosen gelang es als erstem Benziner, die Normverbrauchsmarke von vier Liter pro 100 Kilometer zu unterbieten.“

[1] "The spring weight france was the first petrol engine to succeed in the standard consumption brand of four liters per 100 kilometers to underbiete"

[1] „Als Alarmschwelle wurde eine Intensität des Starkregens von fünf Liter/Quadratmter [sic] in fünf Minuten festgelegt.“

[1] "As an alarm threshold, an intensity of the heavy rain of five liters/square [sic] was set in five minutes"

[1] „»In der Atmosphäre macht es etwa zwei Millionstel aus«, erklärt Nisbet. In einer Millionen Liter Luft stecken demnach zwei Liter Methan.“

[1] "" In the atmosphere, it turns out about two millionths, "explains Nisbeet in one million liters of air, so there are two liters of methane."