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Is it der, die or das Lerche?



The correct article in German of Lerche is die. So it is die Lerche! (nominative case)

The word Lerche is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Lerche?

How does the declension of Lerche work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Lerche die Lerchen
Genitive der Lerche der Lerchen
Dative der Lerche den Lerchen
Akkusative die Lerche die Lerchen

What is the meaning of Lerche in German?

Lerche is defined as:

[1] Ornithology: songbird with earth -colored plumage and trilling vocals of the family of small, floor -diving birds from the subordination of the sparrow birds

[1] Ornithologie: Singvogel mit erdfarbenem Gefieder und trillerndem Gesang der Familie kleiner, bodenbewohnender Vögel aus der Unterordnung der Sperlingsvögel

How to use Lerche in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Lerche with translations in English.

[1] Die Lerche sitzt auf der Lärche und zwitschert ihr Lied.

[1] The lark sits on the larch and chirping her song

Pictures or photos of Lerche

[1] Vertreter der Lerchen, Feldlerche (Alauda arvensis)
[1] Vertreter der Lerchen, Feldlerche (Alauda arvensis)