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German declension of Leningrad?

How does the declension of Leningrad work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative (das) Leningrad
Genitive (des Leningrad) (des Leningrads) Leningrads
Dative (dem) Leningrad
Akkusative (das) Leningrad

What is the meaning of Leningrad in German?

Leningrad is defined as:

From 1924 to 1991 the name of the Russian city of Saint Petersburg

[1] von 1924 bis 1991 der Name der russischen Stadt Sankt Petersburg

How to use Leningrad in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Leningrad with translations in English.

[1] Die Front hatte die Aufgabe, den Zugang zu Leningrad zu decken und die Wegnahme der Stadt durch den Gegner zu verhindern.

[1] The front had the task of covering access to Leningrad and preventing the city from being removed by the opponent

[1] Das Leningrad und Moskau der 1930er Jahre – wenn man das als die Geburt der sozialistischen Zivilisation gelten lässt – sind nur von oben betrachtet übersichtliche, wohlgeordnete Städte

[1] The Leningrad and Moscow of the 1930s - if one accepts this as the birth of socialist civilization - are only clear, well -ordered cities from above