Is it der, die or das Lehm?
The correct article in German of Lehm is der. So it is der Lehm! (nominative case)
The word Lehm is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Lehm?
How does the declension of Lehm work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Lehm | die Lehme |
Genitive | des Lehms des Lehmes | der Lehme |
Dative | dem Lehm dem Lehme | den Lehmen |
Akkusative | den Lehm | die Lehme |
What is the meaning of Lehm in German?
Lehm is defined as:
[1] Quartz -containing, lime -free tone, the rich in iron compounds is good starting material for ceramics and bricks
[1] quarzhaltiger, kalkfreier Ton, der reich an Eisenverbindungen ist; gutes Ausgangsmaterial für Keramik und ZiegelHow to use Lehm in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Lehm with translations in English.
[1] Zur Herstellung von Mauerziegeln wurde Lehm oder Ton in rechteckige Holzformen gedrückt.
[1] For the production of wall bricks, clay or sound was pressed into rectangular wooden shapes[1] „In der Mitte des Hofes erhebt sich ein Altar aus Lehm mit Köpfen aus Bronze und Elfenbein darauf und einem metallenen Leoparden.“
[1] "In the middle of the courtyard, an altar made of clay with heads made of bronze and ivory rises on it and a metal leopard" "[1] „Die Wände der Stube zeigten die rohen und unbehauenen Baumstämme, deren einzige Ornamente breite Streifen von Lehm waren, welche die Zwischenräume ausfüllten.“
[1] "The walls of the parlor showed the raw and unchanged tree trunks, the only ornaments of which were wide stripes of clay, which filled out the gaps"