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Is it der, die or das Kuhstall?



The correct article in German of Kuhstall is der. So it is der Kuhstall! (nominative case)

The word Kuhstall is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Kuhstall?

How does the declension of Kuhstall work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Kuhstall die Kuhställe
Genitive des Kuhstalles des Kuhstalls der Kuhställe
Dative dem Kuhstall dem Kuhstalle den Kuhställen
Akkusative den Kuhstall die Kuhställe

What is the meaning of Kuhstall in German?

Kuhstall is defined as:

[1] Building of a farm, an agricultural operation that serves to accommodate cows

[1] Gebäude einer Farm, eines landwirtschaftlichen Betriebs, das zur Unterbringung von Kühen dient

How to use Kuhstall in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Kuhstall with translations in English.

[1] Am Abend bringen wir die Kühe wieder in den Kuhstall.

[1] In the evening we bring the cows back to the cowshed

[1] „Sie rannten zu den Heuballen, die den rückwärtigen Eingang des Kuhstalls versperrten, und krochen dann so tief geduckt wie möglich zum Hühnerstall unter dem Küchenfenster.“

[1] "They ran to the hay bales, which blocked the rear entrance of the cowshed, and then crawled as deeply crouched as possible to the chicken coop under the kitchen window"

[1] „Zwar wird Claudia von ihrer Amme getreulich versorgt, und ein neuer, energischer Kommandant hat im Kuhstall wieder eine bescheidene Herde zusammengebracht.“

[1] "Claudia is faithfully cared for by her nurse, and a new, energetic commander has brought together a modest herd again in the cowshed"

[1] „Der deutsche Quartierwirt guckte in Wams und Zipfelmütze, in der Hand die Mistgabel, mit der er den Kuhstall ausgemistet hatte, aus der Stalltür.“

[1] "The German neighborhood host looked into Wams and pointed caps, in the hand the pitchfork with which he had mucked out the cowshed, from the stable door"

Pictures or photos of Kuhstall

[1] Kuhstall
[1] Kuhstall