Is it der, die or das Kripo?
The correct article in German of Kripo is die. So it is die Kripo! (nominative case)
The word Kripo is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Kripo?
How does the declension of Kripo work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Kripo | die Kripos |
Genitive | der Kripo | der Kripos |
Dative | der Kripo | den Kripos |
Akkusative | die Kripo | die Kripos |
What is the meaning of Kripo in German?
Kripo is defined as:
[1] colloquially, plural unbroken: Short Work for Criminal Police
[1] umgangssprachlich, Plural ungebräuchlich: Kurzwort für KriminalpolizeiHow to use Kripo in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Kripo with translations in English.
[1] Die Streifenpolizisten haben sofort die Kripo gerufen als sie den Toten vorfanden.
[1] The patrol police officers immediately called the Kripo when they found the dead man[1] Die Kripo Augsburg konnte mehrere Kilogramm Heroin beschlagnahmen.
[1] The Kripo Augsburg was able to confiscate several kilograms of heroin[1] „Er brauchte sie nur in seinem Zimmer zu verstecken und die Kripo zu benachrichtigen.“
[1] "He only had to hide them in his room and notify the Kripo"[1] „Hauptkommissar Kielholz will die Sache nicht von vornherein der Kripo überlassen.“
[1] "Main commissioner Kielholz does not want to leave the matter from the outset of the Kripo"