Is it der, die or das Krankheitsbild?
The correct article in German of Krankheitsbild is das. So it is das Krankheitsbild! (nominative case)
The word Krankheitsbild is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Krankheitsbild?
How does the declension of Krankheitsbild work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Krankheitsbild | die Krankheitsbilder |
Genitive | des Krankheitsbildes des Krankheitsbilds | der Krankheitsbilder |
Dative | dem Krankheitsbild dem Krankheitsbilde | den Krankheitsbildern |
Akkusative | das Krankheitsbild | die Krankheitsbilder |
What is the meaning of Krankheitsbild in German?
Krankheitsbild is defined as:
[1] All symptoms of a disease that characterize the course of the disease
[1] alle Symptome einer Krankheit, die den Krankheitsverlauf kennzeichnenHow to use Krankheitsbild in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Krankheitsbild with translations in English.
[1] Das Krankheitsbild entsprach dem einer Hirnblutung.
[1] The clinical picture corresponded to that of a brain bleeding[1] „Richarz war anfangs entschlossen, Schumann durch sorgfältige wissenschaftliche Betrachtung des Krankheitsbildes wie auch durch eine milde Behandlung zu heilen.“
[1] "Richarz was initially determined to heal Schumann by careful scientific consideration of the clinical picture as well as a mild treatment to heal"