Is it der, die or das Kolumbien?
German declension of Kolumbien?
How does the declension of Kolumbien work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | (das) Kolumbien | — |
Genitive | (des Kolumbien) (des Kolumbiens) Kolumbiens | — |
Dative | (dem) Kolumbien | — |
Akkusative | (das) Kolumbien | — |
What is the meaning of Kolumbien in German?
Kolumbien is defined as:
[1] State in South America
[1] Staat in SüdamerikaHow to use Kolumbien in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Kolumbien with translations in English.
[1] Bogotá ist die Hauptstadt von Kolumbien.
[1] Bogotá is the capital of Colombia[1] Kolumbiens Wirtschaft wächst trotz der Unruhen kontinuierlich und stellt damit in Südamerika den größten Wachstumsmarkt nach Chile dar.
Despite the unrest, Colombia's economy is growing continuously and thus providing the largest growth market in Chile in South America[1] Die westliche Hälfte Kolumbiens wird von den Anden dominiert[.]
[1] The western half of Colombia is dominated by the Andes [Ä]