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Is it der, die or das Know-how?



The correct article in German of Know-how is das. So it is das Know-how! (nominative case)

The word Know-how is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Know-how?

How does the declension of Know-how work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Know-how
Genitive des Know-hows
Dative dem Know-how
Akkusative das Know-how

What is the meaning of Know-how in German?

Know-how is defined as:

[1] Knowing how to do something

[1] das Wissen, wie man etwas macht

How to use Know-how in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Know-how with translations in English.

[1] Wenn dir das entsprechende Know-how fehlt, musst du zu diesem Thema noch eine Schulung machen.

[1] If you lack the corresponding know-how, you have to do a training course on this topic

[1] „Ihnen fielen die Produktionsstätten und teilweise das Know-how der mächtigen deutschen Konkurrenz praktisch in den Schoß.“

[1] "The production facilities and partly the know-how of the mighty German competition fell practically in the lap"

[1] „Die Franzosen beabsichtigten, dieses Know-how des Kriegsgegners nicht den Amerikanern zu überlassen, sondern die Spezialisten stattdessen nach Frankreich zu bringen.“

[1] "The French intended not to leave this know-how of the war opponent to the Americans, but instead bring the specialists to France" instead "