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Is it der, die or das Kneipe?



The correct article in German of Kneipe is die. So it is die Kneipe! (nominative case)

The word Kneipe is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Kneipe?

How does the declension of Kneipe work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Kneipe die Kneipen
Genitive der Kneipe der Kneipen
Dative der Kneipe den Kneipen
Akkusative die Kneipe die Kneipen

What is the meaning of Kneipe in German?

Kneipe has various definitions in German:

[1] simple, simple tap management

[1] einfache, schlichte Schankwirtschaft

[2] Connection student event

[2] verbindungsstudentische Veranstaltung

How to use Kneipe in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Kneipe with translations in English.

[1] Wir treffen uns in der Kneipe und trinken Bier.

[1] We meet in the pub and drink beer

[1] „Die Kneipe war inzwischen voll geworden.“

[1] "The pub had now become full"

[1] „Mit dieser bunten Schar, die am 30. November in Tampa-Town landete und mit ihrem Sprachgewirr die Straßen und Kneipen des Städtchens füllte, kamen auch schon die ersten Neugierigen.“

[1] "With this colorful crowd, which ended up in Tampa-Town on 30th and filled the streets and pubs of the town with her voice tangle, the first curious people came."

[1] „Immer mehr Kneipen hatten nachts auf.“

[1] "More and more pubs had to open at night"

[1] „Vormittags darauf erwartet er Lina in der Kneipe, wie immer, die Zeitschriften hat er bei sich.“

[1] "In the morning he expects Lina in the pub, as always, he has the magazines with him" "

[1] „In einer Kneipe allein am Tisch zusitzen war ein zweifelhaftes Vergnügen.“

[1] "Sitting in a pub alone at the table was a doubtful pleasure"

[2] Bei Studentenverbindungen bezeichnet der Begriff Kneipe eine traditionelle Feier die nach bestimmten (Kneip- Comment ) und in Voll couleur gestaltet wird.

[2] In the case of student connections, the term pub denotes a traditional celebration that is designed according to certain (Kneip-Comment) and in a full strainer

Pictures or photos of Kneipe

[1] Eckkneipe in Berlin
[1] Eckkneipe in Berlin
[2] Verbindungsstudenten singen auf einer Kneipe
[2] Verbindungsstudenten singen auf einer Kneipe