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Is it der, die or das Klimawandel?



The correct article in German of Klimawandel is der. So it is der Klimawandel! (nominative case)

The word Klimawandel is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

The word climate change, as well as the words of global warming and climatic keptics, by some as well-altogging, inaccurate or euphemistic, is therefore, from these, the use of meaningful words, such as climate catastrophe, climate estand, climate crisis and grounding and climate uglons, climate change, in the Media recommended. [1] [2] [3] [4] The topic exists as well in the English language. [5] [6] [7]

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German declension of Klimawandel?

How does the declension of Klimawandel work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Klimawandel die Klimawandel
Genitive des Klimawandels der Klimawandel
Dative dem Klimawandel den Klimawandeln
Akkusative den Klimawandel die Klimawandel

What is the meaning of Klimawandel in German?

Klimawandel has various definitions in German:

[1] Climate change: the change in the climate of the earth within a large period of time

[1] Klimaveränderung: die Veränderung des Klimas der Erde innerhalb eines großen Zeitabschnitts

[2] Global warming: Climate change in recent decades

[2] Globale Erwärmung: die Klimaänderung in den letzten Jahrzehnten

How to use Klimawandel in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Klimawandel with translations in English.

[1] Allgemein bedeutet der Klimawandel die Veränderungen des Erdklimas.

[1] General does climate change mean the changes in the ground climatic

[1] Die Erde erlebt seit seines Bestehens einen natürlichen Klimawandel, den die Natur ohne Beeinflussung durch den Mensch selbst regelt.[8]

[1] The earth has been experiencing a natural climate change since its existence, which naturally regulates the nature without influencing by man himself [8]

[1] „Der aktuelle Klimawandel ist verheerend für das Überleben junger Robben.“[9]

[1] "The current climate change is devastating for the survival of young seals" [9]

[2] Wegen des unnatürlichen Klimawandels sind weltweit schockierende Veränderungen in der Natur feststellbar.[10]

[2] Because of unnatural climate change worldwide shocking changes are detained in nature [10]

[2] Der unnatürliche Klimawandel scheint sich u. a. durch den vermehrten Ausstoß von Kohlendioxid zu beschleunigen.

[2] The unnatural climate change seems to be a. to accelerate through the increased emission of carbon dioxide.

[2] "Der Meilenstein in der internationalen Klimapolitik sollte es sein – das 1997 verabschiedete Kyoto-Protokoll. Ein ambitioniertes Vorhaben: Die Industriestaaten sollten ihre CO2-Emissionen so weit senken, dass der Klimawandel zumindest verlangsamt würde. .."[11]

[2] "The milestone in international climate policy should be - the Kyoto Protocol. adopted in 1997 an ambitious project: Industrial countries should lower their CO2 emissions so far that climate change would at least slow down. .." [11]

[2] „Der Klimawandel, so heißt es, werde zuerst die Schwächsten treffen.“[12]

[2] "Climate change, so it says, will first become the weakest meetings" [12]

[2] „Der Klimawandel macht extreme Hitzewellen viel wahrscheinlicher und intensiver.“[13]

[2] "Climate change makes extreme heat waves much more likely and intensive" [13]