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Is it der, die oder das Klage?


The correct article in German of Klage is die. So it is die Klage! (nominative case)

The word Klage is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

Finding the right gender of a noun

German articles are used similarly to the English articles,a and the. However, they are declined differently (change) according to the number, gender and case of their nouns.

In the German language, the gender and therefore article is fixed for each noun.

Test your knowledge!

Choose the correct article.





The most difficult part of learning the German language is the articles (der, die, das) or rather the gender of each noun. The gender of each noun in German has no simple rule. In fact, it can even seem illogical. For example das Mädchen, a young girl is neutral while der Junge, a young boy is male.

It is a good idea to learn the correct article for each new word together - even if it means a lot of work. For example learning "der Hund" (the dog) rather than just Hund by itself. Fortunately, there are some rules about gender in German that make things a little easier. It might be even nicer if these rules didn't have exceptions - but you can't have everything! The best way to learn them is with the App - Der-Die-Das Train! (available for iOS and Android)

German nouns belong either to the gender masculine (male, standard gender) with the definite article der, to the feminine (feminine) with the definite article die, or to the neuter (neuter) with the definite article das.

  • for masculine: points of the compass, weather (Osten, Monsun, Sturm; however it is: das Gewitter), liquor/spirits (Wodka, Wein, Kognak), minerals, rocks (Marmor, Quarz, Granit, Diamant);

  • for feminine: ships and airplanes (die Deutschland, die Boeing; however it is: der Airbus), cigarette brands (Camel, Marlboro), many tree and plant species (Eiche, Pappel, Kiefer; aber: der Flieder), numbers (Eins, Million; however it is: das Dutzend), most inland rivers (Elbe, Oder, Donau; aber: der Rhein);

  • for neutrals: cafes, hotels, cinemas (das Mariott, das Cinemaxx), chemical elements (Helium, Arsen; however it is: der Schwefel, masculine elements have the suffix -stoff), letters, notes, languages and colors (das Orange, das A, das Englische), certain brand names for detergents and cleaning products (Ariel, Persil), continents, countries (die artikellosen: (das alte) Europa; however exceptions include: der Libanon, die Schweiz …).

German declension of Klage?

How does the declension of Klage work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Klage die Klagen
Genitive der Klage der Klagen
Dative der Klage den Klagen
Akkusative die Klage die Klagen

What is the meaning of Klage in German?

Klage has various definitions in German:

[1] Linguistically made statement of unpleasant feelings of pain, suffering or grief, for example about the death of a person

[1] sprachlich gefasste Äußerung unlustvoller Gefühle von Schmerz, Leid oder Trauer, etwa über den Tod eines Menschen

[2] Linguistic statement of unpleasant feelings of disappointment, dissatisfaction, anger or resentment, with implications of criticism or scolding

[2] sprachlich gefasste Äußerung unlustvoller Gefühle von Enttäuschung, Unzufriedenheit, Ärger oder Ressentiment, mit Implikationen von Kritik oder Schelte

[3] Right: An application to a court to decide on a legal dispute

[3] Recht: ein Antrag an ein Gericht, über einen Rechtsstreit zu entscheiden

[4] Literature: Certain forms of poetry, which focus on a lawsuit ([1])

[4] Literatur: bestimmte Formen der Dichtung, in deren Mittelpunkt eine Klage ([1]) steht

How to use Klage in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Klage with translations in English.

[1] Die Klagen der trauernden Frauen waren weithin hörbar.

[1] The complaints of the grieving women were widely heard

[2] Die Schüler sollten sich mit ihren Klagen über das Kantinenessen direkt an die Schulleitung wenden.

[2] The students should go directly to the school management with their complaints about the canteen meal

[3] Dagegen muss Klage erhoben werden.

[3] In contrast, a lawsuit must be raised

[3] „Deshalb haben die vier Fahnder jetzt Klage gegen Gutachter H. eingereicht und auch seinem Auftraggeber, dem Land Hessen, den Streit erklärt.“

[3] "That is why the four investigators have now filed a lawsuit against expert ER and also explained the dispute to his client, the state of Hesse."

[4] Die Klage des Sumerischen Hiob gilt als ältester Beleg für das Klagelied eines einzelnen.

[4] The complaint of the Sumerian Job is the oldest evidence of the lamentation of a single

How do you pronounce Klage?


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