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Is it der, die or das Khan?



The correct article in German of Khan is der. So it is der Khan! (nominative case)

The word Khan is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Khan?

How does the declension of Khan work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Khan die Khane
Genitive des Khans der Khane
Dative dem Khan den Khanen
Akkusative den Khan die Khane

What is the meaning of Khan in German?

Khan has various definitions in German:

[1] No plural, re -enacted: title of a Mongolian or Turkish ruler

[1] kein Plural, nachgestellt: Titel eines mongolischen oder türkischen Herrschers

[2] carrier of the title [1]

[2] Träger des Titels [1]

[3] High state, Persian dignitaries

[3] hoher staatlicher, persischer Würdenträger

How to use Khan in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Khan with translations in English.

[1] Kublai Khan war ein Enkel Dschingis Khans.

[1] Kublai Khan was a grandson Dschingis Khanse

[2] Die Herrschaft dieser Mongolischen Altyn-Khane war […] aber nur von kurzer Dauer.

[2] The rule of this Mongolian ALSTYN-Khane was […] but only from a short long time

[2] „Sie umschließt den Palast des Khan und zwei Moscheen.“

[2] "It surrounds the Khan's palace and two mosque people"

[3] Die alten Könige von Turan hatten, von Vater auf Sohn, nur den Titel Khan geführt, Se. Majestät aber legten dem Abul Feiz, aus gar zu grosser Güte, den Titel Schah bey.

[3] The old kings of Turan, from father to son, had only the title Khan, but Majesty, but the Abul Feiz, made too great, put the title Shah Bey.