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Is it der, die or das Kennziffer?



The correct article in German of Kennziffer is die. So it is die Kennziffer! (nominative case)

The word Kennziffer is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Kennziffer?

How does the declension of Kennziffer work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Kennziffer die Kennziffern
Genitive der Kennziffer der Kennziffern
Dative der Kennziffer den Kennziffern
Akkusative die Kennziffer die Kennziffern

What is the meaning of Kennziffer in German?

Kennziffer has various definitions in German:

[1] Economy: Mathematical size that provides information about a certain facts

[1] Wirtschaft: mathematische Größe, die über einen bestimmten Sachverhalt eine Auskunft gibt

[2] arbitrarily assigned number to identify a difference between variants/objects

[2] willkürlich zugeordnete Zahl, um einen Unterschied zwischen Varianten/Objekten kenntlich zu machen

[3] Mathematics: Before the comma (in the logarithm)

[3] Mathematik: vor dem Komma stehende Zahl (im Logarithmus)

How to use Kennziffer in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Kennziffer with translations in English.

[1] Die Kennziffern weisen ja darauf hin, dass wir auf dem richtigen Weg sind.

[1] The indicators point out that we are on the right path

[2] Das Exponat mit der Kennziffer 622 wird erst nächste Woche in die Auktion gehen.

[2] The exhibit with the code 622 will only be in the auction in the auction next week

[2] „Der Archivar erblickte einen Schwarm emsiger Buchhalter und Buchhalterinnen, die die Kennziffern der Belegschaftsmitglieder sorgfältig aufschrieben und sorgfältig ausradierten.“

[2] "The archivist saw a crush of emission accountants who carefully wrote down the indicators of the staff members and carefully erased"

[3] „Die Kennziffer aller Dezimalzahlen unter 1 ist gleich der Anzahl der Nullen vor der ersten geltenden Ziffer, und zwar negativ genommen.“

[3] "The indicator of all decimal numbers under 1 is equally the number of zeros before the first applicable number, and that is negatively taken" "