Is it der, die or das Kanu?
The correct article in German of Kanu is das. So it is das Kanu! (nominative case)
The word Kanu is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Kanu?
How does the declension of Kanu work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Kanu | die Kanus |
Genitive | des Kanus | der Kanus |
Dative | dem Kanu | den Kanus |
Akkusative | das Kanu | die Kanus |
What is the meaning of Kanu in German?
Kanu is defined as:
[1] sports boat that is moved with paddles
[1] Sportboot, das mit Paddeln bewegt wirdHow to use Kanu in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Kanu with translations in English.
[1] Viele Inseln wurden mit Kanus besiedelt.
[1] Many islands were settled with canoes[1] „Die Beförderung der Handelswaren von den Kanus zum Lagerhaus im fünf Kilometer entfernten Jakin war Sache von Trägern, die nach Leistung bezahlt wurden.“
[1] "The promotion of merchandise from the canoes to the warehouse in Jakin, five kilometers away, was a matter for carriers who were paid for after performance"[1] „Dazwischen zogen Tausende von braunen Kanus ihre Bahnen; die Mexica lebten im See und nicht an Land.“
[1] "In between, thousands of brown canoes pulled their railways the Mexica lived in the lake and not on land"[1] „Es waren Männer in Kanus erschienen und hatten auf Muschelhörnern geblasen.“
[1] "They had been published in canoes and had blown on shell horns"[1] „Als wir wieder an Bord des Schoners zurückkehrten, fanden wir ein Kanu, das quer vor den Bug getrieben und festgemacht worden war.“
[1] "When we returned on board the schooner, we found a canoe that had been driven across the bow and was attached"Pictures or photos of Kanu
![[1] Kanu](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Monoxylon_beach_Lake_Malawi_1557.jpg)