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Is it der, die or das Kabarettistin?



The correct article in German of Kabarettistin is die. So it is die Kabarettistin! (nominative case)

The word Kabarettistin is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Kabarettistin?

How does the declension of Kabarettistin work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Kabarettistin die Kabarettistinnen
Genitive der Kabarettistin der Kabarettistinnen
Dative der Kabarettistin den Kabarettistinnen
Akkusative die Kabarettistin die Kabarettistinnen

What is the meaning of Kabarettistin in German?

Kabarettistin is defined as:

[1] artist who is in a cabaret

[1] Künstlerin, die in einem Kabarett mitwirkt

How to use Kabarettistin in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Kabarettistin with translations in English.

[1] „Die Laudatio hielt die Kabarettistin Luise Kinseher, die Auszüge aus ihrer Magisterarbeit von 1994 über den Kabarettisten einfließen ließ.“

[1] "The laudation held the cabaret artist Luise Kinseher, who incorporated excerpts from her master's thesis from 1994 over the cabaret artist"

[1] „Ausgezeichnet werden Parodistin und Kabarettistin Martina Brandl aus Geislingen, die Komödiantin und Moderatorin Rosemie aus Heidelberg sowie der Kabarettist Bernd Kohlhepp aus Tübingen, wie Toto-Lotto Baden-Württemberg am Freitag mitteilte.“

[1] "Parodist and cabaret artist Martina Brandl from Geislingen, the comedian and moderator Rosemie from Heidelberg and cabaret artist Bernd Kohlhepp from Tübingen, such as Toto-Lotto Baden-Württemberg on Friday"