Is it der, die or das Jazz?

The correct article in German of Jazz is der. So it is der Jazz! (nominative case)
The word Jazz is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Jazz?
How does the declension of Jazz work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Jazz | — |
Genitive | des Jazz | — |
Dative | dem Jazz | — |
Akkusative | den Jazz | — |
What is the meaning of Jazz in German?
Jazz is defined as:
[1] Music: In the USA, music genre with roots in blues and the music of black slave workers
[1] Musik: in den USA entstandene Musikrichtung mit Wurzeln im Blues und der Musik schwarzer SklavenarbeiterHow to use Jazz in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Jazz with translations in English.
[1] Jazz hat in Deutschland viele Anhänger.
[1] Jazz has many followers in Germany[1] „Die Band klappert alle Lokale ab, die dem Tanz und dem triumphierenden Jazz geweiht sind.“
[1] "The band rattles off all the bars that dedicate the dance and the triumphant jazz"[1] „Ihre Musik waren der Jazz und der Rock 'n' Roll.“
[1] "Your music were jazz and the rock 'n' roller[1] „Daß sie von Jazz nichts verstanden, sahen die Jungs ihnen nach.“
[1] "The boys saw them that they didn't understand anything from jazz"[1] „Jazz ist ein Zeichen von Erhabenheit, die Musik der Reichen und Neureichen, die Musik der Schöpfer dieser schönen, kaputten Welt.“
[1] "Jazz is a sign of grandeur, the music of the rich and new rich, the music of the creators of this beautiful, broken world"Pictures or photos of Jazz
![[1] ein wichtiger Vertreter des Jazz: Louis Armstrong](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Louis_Armstrong_restored.jpg)